Nespresso sustainability | Doing is Everything | Nespresso

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For Nespresso, sustainability and the enjoyment of coffee are inextricably linked. This is why Nespresso is committed to continuously making coffee production more resource-friendly, as part of a holistic sustainability programme. Starting in 2003 with its specifically created Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program, Nespresso has worked toward making coffee production as sustainable as possible – from reducing its impact on the environment to improving the livelihood of coffee farmers. To sustain the future of high-quality coffee and preserve ecosystems in the long term, Nespresso is committed to regenerative agriculture.

In addition, since 2009, Nespresso has reduced CO2 emissions by 24 % per cup of coffee along the entire supply chain, as well as the entire product life cycle*. Since the first analysis of the life cycle of a cup of coffee in 2005, Nespresso has been working consistently to reduce CO2 emissions and is resolutely pursuing this path: by 2050, Nespresso has set itself the goal** of becoming a Net Zero company across the entire supply chain and product life cycle.

Read more about our progress and goals for a more sustainable future: Current sustainability report

* Carbon footprint reduction of a cup of 40 ml of Nespresso coffee in 2020 (vs 2009 LCA study), as measured by independent external partner QuantisMore information on the reduction of carbon emissions can be found at

** As per our SBTi 2023 submission. We are aiming to accelerate to achieve the target as early as 2035. Nespresso SBTi near-term and long-term targets were approved on May 1st, 2024.


As a milestone and confirmation of over 30 years of commitment to sustainability, transparency and responsible business practices, Nespresso has received B Corp™ certification in 2022. This applies to Nespresso's global business and covers 38 markets.

As a certified "Benefit Corporation," Nespresso is part of a global movement of companies in over 150 industries and more than 70 countries that are committed to environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
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For over 30 years, Nespresso's overarching goal has been to create shared value for all. We call this "Care" - because with the same dedication and passion that goes into every cup of Nespresso coffee, we are committed as a company to making a positive impact on the world: for the environment, circularity, climate and communities.

Nespresso has developed a variety of initiatives at the global and local level, including the AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program or Sustainability Advisory Board. In addition, Nespresso employees in Austria can actively engage one day per year in projects in cooperation with partners such as Caritas or Biosphärenpark Wien, the "Force for Good Day",


For more than 30 years we have embarked on a journey towards a more circular model, designed to use less and keep materials in use for longer. At the heart of our commitment to B Corp values, this ambition continues to grow. Aluminium is a material that can be recycled almost infinitely. With the ambitious goal of returning every used Nespresso capsule into the recyclable materials cycle, Nespresso established its own recycling system in Austria back in 2009 with today more than 2,100 collection points. As a result, each capsule is part of a perfectly designed system that makes returning used capsules as simple as possible.
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During recycling, coffee grounds are separated from aluminum, because the collected capsules contain valuable raw materials. Aluminum can be used for new products - such as bicycles or pens. There are many possible uses for coffee grounds: thanks to valuable nutrients, it can be used as a plant fertilizer or as a biodegradable oil binder in road traffic or as a material for making furniture. The coffee grounds can also be processed into bio-gas, providing renewable energy.

As part of a pilot project with the Austrian Coffee and Tea Association and Altstoff Recycling Austria AG (ARA), it is now also possible in Upper Austria, Krems Land and Schwechat to collect and recycle coffee capsules of all materials and brands together at the waste material collection centers and all BILLA Plus shops in Upper Austria.
Calculation based on a study conducted by the Environmental Agency (2017).
Emissions saved
by recycling Nespresso capsules* in our system since beginning of 2020.
Support us by recycling your Nespresso capsules to save even more.
Doing is everything.
* 1 filled Nespresso Recycling Bag = Savings of 175 g CO2‑emissions

** The indicated consumption of values do not correspond to real electricity quantities. They show exemplarily the substitution effects, which result from the savings of CO2‑emissions. The savings are a positive effect of the recycling and conversion of coffee ground resulting into biogas.


Nespresso makes it possible to enjoy coffee sustainably, since the Nespresso system uses valuable resources sparingly.

Each Nespresso capsule contains exactly the amount of coffee needed for one cup. When prepared with other systems, such as filter machines, consumers often use more ground coffee than is needed for a cup, or they make more coffee than they drink. The amount of coffee consumed is relevant because the greatest environmental impact of a cup of coffee – regardless of how it is prepared – occurs during the green coffee supply stage, from cultivating the green beans to transporting the coffee to the production centres.

In modern Nespresso machines, the consumption of energy (through automatic shut-off) and water is also optimised. The portioned system thus helps reduce the environmental impact of a cup of coffee.

Als zertifizierte B Corp setzen wir uns unermüdlich dafür ein, unsere Auswirkungen auf das Klima zu minimieren - von Schutz sensibler Ökosysteme bis hin zur Optiminierung des Transport unserer Produkte.

A look at the entire product lifecycle helps to better understand – and further reduce – the carbon footprint of a cup of coffee.

That’s because the main drivers aren’t always where you expect them. Most of the carbon emitted by a cup of Nespresso coffee is generated during the preparation of the green coffee.

In addition, a cup of coffee prepared with the Nespresso system has a 24 % lower carbon footprint than a cup prepared with a fully automatic coffee machine, as confirmed by the life cycle analysis conducted by Quantis in Europe in 2024.1

1 Quantis comparative LCA: Life Cycle Assessment of a Lungo cup of coffee made from a Nespresso ORIGINAL capsule compared with other coffee systems in Europe.


Capsules made of aluminium optimally protect the coffee from light, oxygen and moisture. If roasted coffee is not stored properly, its aromatic notes begin to dissipate within just a few days. As an aroma vault, each Nespresso capsule preserves the taste and shelf life of the fresh coffee - and thus prevents coffee from being wasted. This is so important because about half of the CO2 emissions of a cup of coffee already occur during coffee cultivation. A cup of coffee prepared with the Nespresso system has a 24 % lower carbon footprint than a cup prepared with a fully automatic coffee machine, as confirmed by the life cycle analysis conducted by Quantis in Europe in 2024.2
Nespresso increasingly uses recycled aluminium for the production of its capsules. All coffee capsules for Nespresso ORIGINAL system and most of the capsules for Nespresso VERTUO system are produced with at least 80 % recycled aluminium. Thus, Nespresso treats resources carefully, because processing recycled aluminium requires 95% less energy than the production of new aluminium. Aluminium material can be recycled almost infinitely – which means that 75% of all aluminium produced worldwide is still in use. To keep the aluminium from the used capsules in the recycling loop as long as possible, Nespresso established its own recycling system more than 15 years ago.

2 Quantis comparative LCA: Life Cycle Assessment of a Lungo cup of coffee made from a Nespresso ORIGINAL capsule compared with other coffee systems in Europe.


When it comes to transport and distribution, Nespresso is increasingly relying on environmentally friendly solutions. The coffee is transported by rail from the port to the production centres and then to Austria, delivered to the boutiques in Vienna and surrounding areas by electric truck, and orders are shipped carbon-neutrally by the Austrian postal service. The goal is to keep the coffee’s environmental footprint as small as possible on the way to the customers.
Sustainability is also a high priority at the Nespresso boutiques. They get 100% of their electricity from renewable energy sources and the lighting is almost exclusively LED.


Nespresso's high standards not only ensure the highest quality coffee. Back in 2003, Nespresso launched the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program in cooperation with the NGO The Rainforest Alliance and works with more than 157,000 coffee farmers in 18 countries to sustainably improve local farming practices and living conditions.

To conserve biodiversity and natural resources over the long term, the AAA program helps farmers adopt sustainable coffee farming practices and convert their farms to regenerative agriculture – with the goal of not only conserving but restoring farmland and ecosystems.

As part of this, well-designed agroforestry systems enable the cultivation of other crops, such as fruit and shade trees. The interaction of different plants improves the microclimate and protects the soil from erosion. As a result, the cultivated areas yield more than with monocultures. In addition, farmers can use secondary products such as fruit and wood for their own consumption or generate additional income by selling them.

In this way, regenerative agriculture not only meets the challenges of climate change, but also strengthens the resilience of coffee communities.
Through the AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program, Nespresso builds long-term relationships with farmers and buys coffee from the same farms year after year - 98 % of the coffee purchase are at or above Fairtrade Minimum Price*.

To strengthen coffee communities, Nespresso invests in local infrastructure, such as equipment that makes coffee processing more efficient and enables higher quality coffee, thereby increasing farmers' incomes.

In Colombia, for example, Nespresso is working with partners to develop and finance pension savings plans to secure the future of farmers. In addition, Nespresso has developed an insurance program with a partner as part of a flagship initiative to protect farmers from weather extremes and related crop losses.
Nespresso's commitment also includes gender equality – because women play a crucial role in coffee production, but still have less access to necessary resources such as land, credit and information. Together with its partner TechnoServe, Nespresso provides local training to women to help them become agronomists and supports them in taking on leadership roles in coffee cooperatives. Currently, about one-third of the Nespresso agronomists in the coffee regions are already women (2021).

In this way, Nespresso is driving sustainable development in coffee-growing regions and also creating social impact.

Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program since 2003

* A study conducted by FLOCERT in 2023 has shown that 98 % of the Nespresso green coffee purchases met the equivalent to the Fairtrade Minimum Price applicable in 2022 (excluding Fairtrade Premium).

** Cumulative data 2014–2023, including 96,677 trees planted in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia in 2022, not previously reported.