Privacy policy_Nespresso Israel

Nespresso Israel Privacy Policy 

This policy was last updated in August 2022

Welcome to the "Nespresso" website. Protecting your privacy is important to us and we pay special attention to it. This document coordinates the privacy policy of Nespresso Israel Ltd. (the "Company", "Nespresso") regarding information gathered by Nespresso about you within the framework of the Website or any other website of the Company, mini-site, application, campaign or activity of the Company that you will join (collectively the "Site"), as well as regarding information gathered by Nespresso about you when making a purchase at one of Nespresso's coffee boutiques or by telephone,  When you register as Nespresso customer through one of these means and within the framework of activities conducted by Nespresso through the aforementioned means. We note that you have no legal obligation to provide the information and providing it depends on your will and consent. Nespresso's databases are maintained and managed by the global Nestle Group and are also updated in Salesforce's third-party data system. This document is written in the masculine gender for convenience but refers to both men and women.  For comments, questions, inquiries and suggestions regarding Nespresso's privacy policy, you may contact the Company by sending an email to address  or by calling our customer service at *2500 / 03-9241334. If you believe that your privacy has been violated in any way, by any party, please contact us in one of the above ways.

In this document: "Information" or "Personal Information" means any identifying information about you that you provide as part of your registration to the Site, purchase of Nespresso products or interest in them (including in Nespresso coffee boutiques, on the Nespresso website and at the Nespresso call center), and any identifying information that will be collected about you while browsing the Site, joining a particular campaign or any activity of the Company. Your activity in the site, or the provision of your details in the coffee boutique or by telephone, constitutes your consent to the contents of this document and to the use of information about you, in accordance with any law. If you do not agree to the following, please refrain from continuing to browse the Site or providing details or contact us using one of the contact methods as detailed above so that we can assist you in alternative ways to your satisfaction. Personal information about you will be used in accordance with the contents of this document or in accordance with our legal obligations.

A. Information Gathered About You

1. Registration to the Nespresso website and/or as Nespresso customer and any negotiations or interest in purchasing products may involve the provision of personal details, including full name, residential address, ID number, telephone number, and e-mail address. The provision of these details constitutes the user's consent to receive non-marketing messages and system updates from Nespresso by e-mail or by text messages to the mobile phone or in another digital way, subject to the provisions of any law.

2. The purchase of Nespresso products on the website, by telephone and / or in coffee boutiques may involve the provision of personal details for the purpose of completing the purchase, including full name, residential address, ID number, telephone number, e-mail address and payment details. The clearing system of the Nespresso website, to which you may be required to enter payment method details, is operated by Credit Guard Ltd., which operates according to a security standard PCI-DSS,

3. It is possible that the site will incorporate, by Nespresso or by third parties with Nespresso's approval, links to other websites or hyperlinks to other sites, as well as banners containing links to other sites. The use of these links is at the user's own risk, and may result in the gathering personal information by third parties. Nespresso will not bear any responsibility for any damage or other harm caused to the user due to the use of these links and the entrance to the sites to which they link.

4. In order to improve the content on its website and adapt it to the needs of those entering the site, in order to match users with services, messages and advertising content, as well as for the purpose of operating the site, verifying your details and / or verifying your identity and for statistical and research purposes, Nespresso may use tracking technologies that collect data from your device, such as browser type, operating system, time you entered the site, etc. These tracking technologies may contain, among other things, information files sent to browsers and stored on the user's computer drive ("cookies"). Cookies are text files that are created when you use the website, assuming that your computer or mobile device settings allow it. Cookies contain information about how to access and use a web page, such as settings, duration of use or exposure, pages and linked services. In addition, cookies may also store information about your browsing habits on other websites, including the pages you browsed and any other action on them. You can restrict the use of cookies by changing the settings in your browser. Restricting cookies may cause you to be unable to use some of the services offered on the Site. Further information about cookies and similar technologies and the ability to restrict their activity can be found for example on the following websites: and

In addition, this site may make use of various documentation operations that allow you to record mouse keystrokes, mouse movements, page scrolling, and text typing into online forms. The information collected in these actions will be used to improve the accessibility and use of our website. The information collected will be retained for the purpose of improving the site, research and statistical analysis.

5. The Company may also receive personal information from third parties. In addition, Google cookies may be embedded within the Google Analytics system which helps to adapt the user experience and derive statistical insights, and alongside this we use tools of companies such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Outbrain, Criteo and more, for the purpose of publishing, collecting data and displaying ads (including targeted ads) of the company on the Internet.

For more information on the use of cookies through third parties and/or to remove you from using them, you can contact the following addresses:

B. Uses of your personal data collected by Nespresso

Nespresso may use your personal information for all or some of the following purposes:

  • Order processing – to process and fulfill your orders and to inform you of the status of your orders (including online orders, at the coffee boutique and by phone).
  • Customer Account Management – To create and administer a customer account for you with us, and to perform certain actions such as administering customer loyalty programs or rewards programs linked to your account.
  • Customer Service – To provide you with service, including responding to your inquiries, complaints, and general feedback about our products. Customer Service may be provided in various forms of communication, including via email, letters, telephone or use of an online conversation feature ("Chat"). Please note that we record calls made to the Company's customer service center, and also calls made to the costumers, for control and service improvement purposes.
  • Active communication with customers – to engage you more actively in our products and services. For this purpose, we may use or publish customer-generated content. For the use of content created by you, no fee will be paid.
  • Personalization – Nespresso may combine your personal information collected from one source (such as the company's website) with data collected from another source (such as a distributor of Nespresso products). This measure will provide Nespresso with a more complete customer perception, which will enable Nespresso to provide you with an improved service that will be more tailored to your needs, and will be activated, inter alia, in the context of the following matters:
  • Websites – To improve your browsing experience and adapt it to your needs, using information including, inter alia, account login data, computer technical data, and/or previous browsing data.
  • Products – To improve Nespresso products, adapt them to your needs and generate new product ideas. In this context, demographics, data on customer characteristics and customer feedback will be included, and
  • Interest-based advertising – to deliver advertisements tailored to your interests. One way Nespresso does this is to match activities or information collected on Nespresso websites with your data collected from third-party websites (matching information). This type of advertising is also known as "web behavior-based advertising" or "targeted advertising." This personalization is performed by cookies or similar technologies.
  • Marketing messages – to provide you with marketing communications where you have consented to receive them (including information about Nespresso, its products and services, contests and promotions). These messages can be delivered electronically (such as text messages, e-mail, and online advertising) and by mail. If you have consented to receive text messages, they will be subject to the policies of your mobile service provider, for which there may be a fee.
  • Integration of social features – To offer you a number of social features, including the following:
    Online community features on a Nespresso website – When you visit a Nespresso website that incorporates community marketing activity and upload or share recipes, photos, movies, artwork or other content, Nespresso may use or display the personal data you share on those sites.
  • Nespresso viral sharing features may use your personal information to offer you viral sharing features online, such as the "Tell a Friend" feature where you can share certain information, product information, promotions or other content with family and friends.  You must obtain (prior to providing the information) their consent and the responsibility in this matter lies solely with you.
  • Social relationships with third parties – Nespresso may use your personal data when you use social relations features with third parties, such as "Facebook Connect" or "Facebook Like". These features may be integrated into Nespresso websites for various purposes such as transmitting content and allowing you to share content with your friends. You will be able to know more about how these features work and about your profile data that Nespresso may obtain, by visiting the relevant social networking site.
  • Statistical Processing and Analysis – to improve the website, adapt it to the needs and preferences of the users, optimize messages and advertising content, and for management and operational purposes. Nespresso will be entitled to use the information you provided as detailed in this Privacy Policy or which is automatically collected during your visit or use of the website, to create anonymous statistical processing, including the creation of averaged data, aggregated data, benchmarks, user preferences, comparisons, recommendations, or performing other calculations or creating derivative works based on the information provided by you or collected about you, whether in combination with information received from third parties or not. Without derogating from the above, it is clarified that the aforementioned anonymous statistical information is the exclusive property of Nespresso, who shall own all rights thereto, including copyrights and intellectual property rights.

Certain other purposes: We may use your personal information for certain other business purposes, including to:

  • Manage day-to-day operations, for security purposes of Nespresso websites, conduct demographic research and contact you for consumer research purposes.
  • For the marketing use of information from social networks.
  • To personalize content and services to you, such as to deliver targeted  advertising. Nespresso may match the activity or information collected about you with information collected about you on third-party websites.·
  • Disclosure of Information to Third Parties: We may transfer personal information to third parties in the following cases:
  • To contractors or service providers on our behalf, for the purpose of providing the services to you in accordance with the Terms of Use or an agreement with you (for example, storing information at cloud service providers); To our professional consultants (such as lawyers, accountants) as necessary to provide their services;
  • If we organize our activities within the framework of another entity, including mergers, sale of activity, etc., provided that the entity to which we merge and/or to which our activity will be transferred (in whole or in part) accepts the provisions of this Privacy Policy;
  • In the event of a legal dispute between you (and/or a party on your behalf) and us (and/or a party on our behalf), as may be necessary in connection with dealing with such dispute;
  • To operators of social networks or other Internet platforms (e.g., Facebook or Google) as well as providers of advertising and promotion services, for the purpose of sending and displaying, including on third party platforms, marketing and advertising content, including personalized advertisements;
  • With the consent and approval of the User;
  • In accordance with the requirements of any law and/or competent authority and for the purpose of conducting legal proceedings.


The information may be transferred and/or stored outside the borders of Israel, in connection with the purposes listed above, including in countries where the level of protection of personal information is lower than that existing in Israel. In the event of such a transfer, the transfer will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law.

C. Advertising communications

1. The Company offers the delivery of electronic and other advertisements (including via the Internet and cellular networks, including text messages (SMS) and e-mail, and in any other way, existing or future, including receiving a newsletter), which means delivering general or advertising mailings directly to users who have chosen to do so.

2. According to the Consumer Protection Law, the user is entitled to refuse to receive marketing calls by registering to the "Do Not Call Me" database. Nespresso Israel shall adhere to the provisions of the said law.

3. The User who confirms receipt of mailings, declares and confirms that he is aware of the provisions of Amendment No. 40 to the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting), 5768-2008 (the "Communications Law"), and he expressly agrees that mailings will be sent to him by the Company, in all the ways specified in the Communications Law and in any relevant future way. It is clarified that in order for the most appropriate content to be sent to you, information about you as stated above is used in order to enable optimal characterization of the types of products and services that best suit you.

4. The user may withdraw his consent to receive the mailing by contacting us in the ways prescribed in the Communications Law, through the personal area on the site after logging in to the account and by contacting customer service at 03-9241334 or *2500 according to operating hours. The duration of the user's removal from the mailing lists from the moment of his initial request shall not exceed 48 hours for actual execution. However, removal from the mailing list will not delete the information collected about him from the company's databases, and the company will be entitled to continue using such information in accordance with the purposes specified in this privacy policy. The user may re-register to receive such mailings by contacting customer service or an update within the personal account on the site.

D. Minors

The Site is not intended for minors under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect personal information of such minors. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a minor and you believe that your child is using the Site, we ask you to notify us immediately. If you apply as a parent or guardian, we may ask for personal information from you in order to prove your identity.

E. Information Security

Nespresso takes reasonable measures, as it sees fit, to maintain the safety of access to the Website. We use advanced technological and organizational security measures to secure the information under our control against accidental or intentional exploitation, loss, destruction or access or intrusion by unauthorized persons and entities. Despite the advanced measures we take, we cannot guarantee the security and preservation of information absolutely and cannot guarantee that our servers will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored in them. Nespresso shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for any malfunction in the traffic of communication data and for any leakage of information due to malicious act or negligence of any third party, or due to hacking of the Website.

F. Retention of information

We will retain personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including to comply with our legal obligations, including reporting obligations. In order to determine the appropriate period of time for retention of personal information, we will consider, inter alia, the purpose of its collection, its scope, nature, sensitivity, the risk that may arise from unauthorized access to the personal information and the period of time during which we may be required to comply with the requirements of the law or to conduct legal proceedings.

G. Exercising Your Rights

According to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, every person is entitled to review information about him held in a database. A person who has reviewed the information about him and found it to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear or out of date, may contact the owner of the database with a request to amend or delete the information. Such a request should be addressed to the or by fax to 924077803 number or by mail to: Shaham 36 Petah Tikva 4951729 zip code (to the attention of the customer service department).

H. General Notes

Please note that there are e-commerce sites that sell Nespresso products but they are not controlled or operated by Nespresso. Nespresso is not responsible for these sites and we recommend that you read the policies of those sites, including their privacy policies, before making any purchase on those sites.

I. Contact Us

For comments, questions, inquiries and suggestions regarding Nespresso's privacy policy, you can contact the Company by sending an email to

J. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update, from time to time, the provisions of this Privacy Policy. In the event of such a change, we will display the updated policy on the Website. We recommend that you revisit the Privacy Policy from time to time. Your continued use of the Website after updating the Privacy Policy constitutes your consent to the content of the updated Privacy Policy.