How to Manage Conversations & Collaborate for Success by Nespresso™ Pro

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How to Manage Difficult Conversations, and Collaborate for Success

Even in the best workplaces, difficult conversations and conflict can occur on a daily basis, affecting relationships, creativity, performance and well-beingi. Perhaps you find yourself unsure of how to approach a difficult conversation; or you’re able to completely avoid negative situations by working remotely - but you don’t have to grin and bear it.

To help ensure you’re collaborating as effectively as possible, and to make sure difficult chats go as smoothly as they can, we’ve put together this handy guide…

of employees admit to losing work time in efforts to avoid difficult co-workersii,whereas...

say a strong sense of community (great co-workers, celebrating milestones, a common mission) kept them at a company longer than was in their best interest.iii

Easing Your Difficult Conversations

of employees are avoiding difficult conversations with their boss, colleagues, and direct reports.iv

Whether you’re talking to your boss, your employee, or simply a colleague, sometimes we all need to enter into conversations we’d rather not. From giving negative performance reviews or feedback, to voicing an unpopular opinion on new ideas, some chats are more difficult than others.

However, with the right plan in place, and by following certain procedures, you can take the sting out of these interactions.

Tips to Manage Difficult Conversations, and Collaborate for Success.

  • Choose An Environment Where You'll Both Be Comfortable

    If you’re able to have a face-to-face meeting, do so in a calm, comfortable space, away from other potential stressors.v

  • Start With An Agenda And Be Direct

    Make your point clearly and concisely to make sure your delivery is

  • Be Specific And Have Examples To Hand

    Fully clarify why you’re having the conversation. Nothing will change if you can’t explicitly show or explain what you like or dislike.vii

  • Be Empathetic But Manage Your Emotions

    Don’t get drawn into a shouting match, but equally don’t be cold and withdrawn either. If the news is being taken poorly, give the person time to collect themselves, and remind them that your feedback is to make them better or improve a situation.viii

  • Enter The Discussion With A Solution In Mind

    A conversation with no direction can get out of control, so start with a solution and work towards it.ix

  • Ask Questions And Allow Others To As Well

    Asking yourself and others questions helps you to process what or why something has happened, and allows you to check someone has understood the conversation.x

Stop Negativity Spreading

Negativity costs businesses over £4 billion a year due to its harmful effects.xi

Few things negatively impact the productivity of your employees more than the spread of negativity. And this goes for your remote workers too. Being away from the office and communicating only by email and phone doesn’t mean the negativity can’t spread. From gossip and nay-saying, to unjust criticism and complaining, you need to nip it in the bud to keep things running smoothly...

  • Stay Positive

    A positive attitude can be infectious and drive motivation in others. Encourage people to look on the bright side, so that the feelings of stress don’t multiply across the team.xii

  • Communicate And Discuss

    Some employees may be negative due to out-of-work issues, so never shy away from asking, “is everything ok?”

  • Educate, Don't Criticise

    Call out negative actions when you see them, and educate people about transforming their behaviour in a positive way.xiii

  • Don't Accept The Unacceptable

    When negativity crops up, take a stand and face it head on, even if it means having a difficult conversation.xiv

Collaboration Works

of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.xv

Nurturing a collaborative environment in your workplace is a great way to engage your employees and inspire creative thinking. But, what about remote workers?

Well, collaboration doesn’t end with just your on-site employees. You can easily create a collaborative approach that everyone can enjoy and take part in...

  • Reward Teamwork

    Whilst rewarding individuals incentivises them to keep up the good work, it can also undermine any efforts to establish or maintain a collaborative culture within the organisation.

    Recognising an entire team encourages greater camaraderie and it often results in higher performance.xvi

  • Tech For Teamwork

    45% of millennials say their preferred workplace collaboration tool is instant messaging, so make sure you have the right programs in place.xvii

  • Lead From The Front

    Leaders have to be open, communicative and positive, so show your employees you’re willing to listen to ideas and accept constructive feedback.xviii

Chat Over A Coffee

Whether you’re having a difficult workplace conversation or looking to collaborate on a particular task, make everyone feel more at ease by coming together to enjoy a refreshing coffee moment.

With our Nespresso® Momento 200 machine, you can serve 4 cup sizes – Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo, and Americano, so there’s always something for everyone. Coffee capsules are automatically inserted and ejected after use, and there’s even a hot water option for tea.

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