Nespresso Professional Subscription Solution

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SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) Nespresso Subscription

Take a break with Nespresso Professional

Coffee is an essential part of work culture. You start the day with an espresso, you end your lunch with a latte, and then have a pick-me-up iced americano before the day is done – you know the drill. What if you didn’t have to leave the office to indulge in your favourite café style coffee?

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you never run out of coffee in the office is with machine subscriptions from Nespresso Professional, which offer a wide range of options and give coffee lovers the convenience and flexibility they need to power through the day.

Get started on your Nespresso Professional experience – a subscription plan for every small office

At Nespresso, we’re known for serving up aromatic cups of coffee at the touch of a button.

We have curated coffee machine packages to cater to every business size:

Small Offices

Subscription Offer

Pay $120 per month and purchase the machine for $1

($120 club credits to purchase capsules, machine care essentials or any accessories)

Complimentary items:

1200 pcs of Paper Cups + Stirrer + Sugar

Pay $140 per month and get the machine for free

(150 capsules monthly recurring order)

Complimentary items:

1200 pcs of Paper Cups + Stirrer + Sugar and 1 unit of Aero 4

Pay $150 per month and purchase the machine for $1

($150 club credit to purchase capsules, machine care essentials or any accessories)

Complimentary items:

1200 pcs of Paper Cups + Stirrer + Sugar

Nespresso Professional subscription plans for the office feature different machines. Whether you’re looking for a shot of fruity and elegant espresso made with organic Arabica beans, or a bold and silky blend of Guatemalan Arabica and Fine Robusta coffee, there is a perfect cup of coffee just for you. Depending on your subscription plan, you can opt for either the $120 or $150 monthly club credit to purchase the capsules or any accompanying accessory, or 150 capsules each month for $140.

Once you select the plan, we’ll deliver the Nespresso machine of choice to you and update your account with credits to purchase any accessories, machine care essentials or capsules. Plus, we will collect and recycle used Nespresso capsules once you are done for the month. This way, we can all work towards our goal of being carbon neutral.

Enjoy the perfect cup of coffee anytime and with ease

One of the biggest advantages of having a subscription is the convenience. You no longer have to worry about topping up coffee beans or packets at the grocery store or even running out of the office to get a good cup of coffee.

With the Gran Lattissima and VertuoPlus subscription package, you can order online for free same-day delivery with flexible use of your credits where you can purchase a range of coffee capsules, accessories or machine care essentials. Furthermore, there is no need for any complicated equipment, such as filters, grinders, or weighing machines with a Nespresso machine. The right amount of water, temperature and pressure is used for every cup of coffee with minimal mess. A simple touch creates the perfect cup of coffee in a sustainable way, which makes all the difference to the work day.

Connect with each other over a café type of coffee without leaving the office.

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