4 Ways to Power Up Your Coffee Routine

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4 Ways to Power Up Your Coffee Routine

Switch up your coffee routine with new flavours

There's almost nothing like a cup of coffee to get the day going. What you might not have considered is how to make your daily cup work harder by adding a dash of nutritional benefits to your morning routine. After all, mixing things up (literally) and adding some fresh new ingredients to your cup of coffee beyond just milk and sugar, gives an extra zip to each sip.

Up the ante with these interesting ingredients to spice up that cup of coffee

Whether it's to boost your mood, up your energy levels or enhance your brain cell function, try these ingredients to give that cup of joe an extra kick!


Studies show that cinnamon has numerous medicinal and soothing properties. In fact, its prebiotic properties support digestive health by restoring the balance of bacteria in the gut. According to study, cinnamon may even add protection to your heart and brain. If adding cinnamon to your diet sounds like a good idea, watch how you can make the perfect cup of Amaretto Coffee. Mix some cinnamon powder into your morning cup for a sweet, healthy treat during the day.


Mixing coffee and ginger creates a powerful free radical-fighting duo. Ginger has been used to aid digestion, reduce nausea, and has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Make an exotic woody and spicy concoction with the Sunset in Malabar.

Vanilla extract

Natural vanilla extract is said to have a wide range of health benefits. Research suggests that certain compounds found in vanilla, including vanillin and vanillic acid, may support brain health. They may also have neuroprotective properties, meaning that they may protect one's nervous system. Plus, using vanilla extract or vanilla bean powder in foods and beverages could reduce one's added sugar intake. Create a refreshing cup of Freshpresso using these very ingredients.

Butter (from grass-fed cows)

Bulletproof coffee was a trend a few seasons ago, where coffee drinkers would add a stick of butter to their coffee. The nutritional benefits behind this drink include higher and prolonged energy levels and even weight loss. Swap out the butter for butter made from the milk of grass-fed cows, which has higher amounts of omega-3 and vitamin K than regular butter.

Reconnect and recharge at work

Coffee is a versatile drink and there are numerous fun and exciting ingredients that you can add to spice it up and even add some health benefits. Change up your coffee game and get into their flavour-boosting ingredients to get your day going. Head over to the Nespresso Professional Academy for some inspiration!

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