Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters | Nespresso™ Pro SG

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Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters

Companies aspire to do well, but above and beyond that, they also have a responsibility to do good—that’s the underlying principle of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Today, organisations increasingly recognise the importance of aligning business objectives with their CSR activities. Here’s why.

CSR is a global force that’s driving businesses forward

$20 billion

is spent a year on CSR activities by Fortune Global 500 firms1

Over 90%

of CEOs agree that sustainability is fundamental for business performance and success2

Singapore performs 12%

above global average on corporate responsibility reporting3

The goal of CSR is to help everyone win

A well-rounded CSR programme can benefit both organisations and the communities they serve. Let’s look at 5 benefits that make an outstanding impact.

1. Builds customer loyalty

Data shows that customers, both globally and locally, are ready for brands that are CSR-conscious—now’s the time for organisations to respond to the demand.


of Singaporeans want sustainable brands4


of global consumers are willing to pay extra to buy from CSR-consious companies5

2. Attracts talent to your organisation

More employees joining the workforce are seeking careers with a purpose, and companies with a strong commitment to CSR capture their attention first.

Top 5 Priorities

among millennial employees include improving society and the environment6

3 in 4 Singapore employees

prefer to work for CSR-conscious companies7

3. Drives innovation

Striving to meet environmental standards requires companies to rethink how they can better create their product or services.

For instance, in order to reduce energy wastage from heating water to wash clothes, an FMCG company innovated a line of cold-water detergents that require 50% less energy than warm water washing8

CSR can drive businesses to innovate products with

  • Greater efficiency
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Sustainability

4. Reinforces commitment to company values

An effective and impactful corporate vision is built on core values that express what the company believes in and stands for. CSR initiatives allow companies to demonstrate commitment to their core values through action.

At Nespresso, we believe in making responsible choices—our commitment to bringing consumers exceptional coffee begins at the source, starting from sustainable methods of growing coffee to local recycling initiatives.

5. Improves environmental impact

In Singapore, Nespresso consumers and partners are ensured 100% recycling accessibility and can easily recycle their used coffee capsules by passing them to the delivery person who sends their next coffee order.

The used coffee grounds from our recycled capsules are sent to a local urban vertical farm to become nutrient-rich compost to grow fresh produce, while the aluminium can be melted and reused in everyday objects such as pens, bicycle frames and much more.

39 countries

where Nespresso recycling initiatives are present with over 100,000 collection points worldwide9

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