Work-Life Harmony vs Work-Life Balance in Workplace: Why it Matters for Organizations

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Work-Life Harmony and Why Organizations Have to Embrace This Fast

Ever since Work from Home became the norm, the line between ‘work’ and ‘home’ have blurred. Singaporeans are working longer hours— and feeling more stressed1 — than ever before2. Instead of clinging on to preconceived notions of work-life balance, companies should consider a new form of workplace wellness and wellbeing: work-life harmony.

What is work-life harmony?

Work-life balance

When 'work' and 'life' exist and thrive independent of each other

Employees devote a fixed amount of time to each component

Work-life harmony

When 'work' and 'life' intersect and co-exist in harmony

Employees tackle work and life related tasks as and when time allows3

Why does work-life harmony matter?

Being able to integrate work as a part of life helps employees shift their perspective – instead of viewing work and home as two separate entities, they can now approach them more holistically.

Benefits of work-life harmony include3:

  • Higher productivity amongst employees, as they are able to approach work and home in their own time

  • Improved overall health and wellbeing

  • Improved engagement and satisfaction among employees

How should employers approach work-life harmony?

There are many approaches to work-life harmony at the workplace. To begin, consider initiatives that will help employees maximize their time and achieve their work and personal goals. Here are some ideas:

  • Introduce personal hour during work

    Allow employees to set aside time each week for personal errands, such as grocery runs, childcare responsibilities or even simple household chores. The idea is to normalize the integration of ‘work’ and ‘life’ instead of prioritizing one over the other.

  • Introduce meeting free days or hours

    Dedicating time for no meetings allow employees to focus on tasks that require zero interruption4. The higher productivity leaves time for personal tasks to be completed.

  • Support mental health

    Nespresso has set up an Employee Assistance Program that allows colleagues and their families to access professional psychologists for help.

According to Nespresso’s Future of Workplace 2020 report in Singapore, 66% of the respondents agreed that a component for strengthening office relations is coffee. Taking a breather in the form of coffee breaks may seem like a small act, but nothing refreshes and recharges quite like a hot cup of Nespresso coffee. This can be done through scheduled coffee breaks with co-workers and managers throughout the work week. This allows disparate team members to connect and collaborate — even if it’s done virtually.

As we continue to navigate hybrid work, discover how Nespresso Professional coffee solutions can help enrich workplace coffee moments and complement Work-Life Harmony initiatives, especially with the Nespresso Momento Coffee machine range which allows employees to recreate their favourite coffees such as lattes or espressos at the touch of the button.

  1. 74% of Singaporeans and PRs feel anxious over pandemic impact: Study, The Straits Times, September 2020
  2. Overworked in S'pore: Study shows one in two logs extra hours since Covid-19 pandemic started, The Straits Times, January 2022
  3. Work-Life Integration Is the New Work-Life Balance. Is Your Team Ready?, US Chamber, July 2021
  4. No-Meeting Days: Top 4 Advantages & How to Start at Your Company, Reclaim AI, 2021

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