The Future of Workplace Wellbeing | Research Study by Nespresso™ Pro SG

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From A Competitive Arena To A safe space

Singapore is known to have a competitive work culture focused on 'career growth', but a majority of our respondents picked relationships and wellbeing as their top priorities, indicating a shift in attitudes about work lifestyles.

66% ranked relationships and wellbeing as top life priorities.
47% don’t think their employers care about their wellbeing
81% say flexible work reduces stress
Wellbeing is becoming a top priority for employees,
the office must be more than a place of work, but a safe space that values employee’s personal needs
When I was growing up, we were taught that you need to do whatever it takes to get the job done. If your boss tells you to photocopy until 10pm, then you just do it and don’t complain
Anna Haotanto
Partner & COO ABZD Capital
Now there’s self love and mental wellness and colleagues who say ‘it’s okay, we understand.’ I think that’s healthier. It doesn’t make people lazier, but more productive.
Anna Haotanto
Partner & COO ABZD Capital

The Role of Coffee:

Conscious Deceleration

Taking coffee breaks is a key coping mechanism for dealing with stress, especially amidst the uncertain job and economic climate facing the workforce today

It encourages people to consciously decelerate and remove themselves from their work desk and into a different environment

20% take coffee breaks to cope with stress
57% said that spaces with natural light and clean air was an office essential
Having 'Green Pantries'
with ample natural light and clean air creates a safe space in the office for employees to take a moment to unwind.


The Future of Workplace Culture – A Nespresso Professional Study

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