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We've been committed to sustainable farming since 2003. It's now time to go even further, with a global shift to regenerative agriculture. This is how we protect the precious coffee we love.


Nurturing nature

From our mission of regenerating land, restoring healthy ecosystems and regrowing forests worldwide to new sustainability initiatives as a B Corp, Nespresso continues to be committed to protecting the environment so that land can thrive, while also providing high-quality coffee to savor.

The impact of climate change on coffee

Global warming and unpredictable weather can affect coffee quality and yields, putting the futures of coffee and coffee farmers at risk. The area suitable for coffee production could be cut in half by 2050.

Source: Fairtrade Report

The impact of climate change on coffee

Playing our part

We are on a journey to achieve net zero carbon emissions while replenishing the environment. Our partnership with Carbon Trust works toward reaching our future goal of every Nespresso cup of coffee being certified carbon neutral. And, it’s no secret we love planting trees. We’ve helped American Forests plant 100,000 saplings across the U.S. in Hawaii, the Southern Sierras, New Jersey, and the Rio Grande Valley, and we've partnered with Pur Project to plant shade trees in Costa Rica to protect the ecosystem. Read more about our strategies to reduce and compensate emissions to positively impact the planet.

Transportation measures

  • Maritime transportation for the long distances
  • 100% of green coffee travels by rail from European ports
  • More rail transportation in Europe and optimized pallet contents
  • Coffee beans


  • 100% of electricity in factories generated from renewable sources
  • Romont production site awarded LEED® Gold certification
  • Production centers 'zero waste to landfill' since 2014
  • Photovoltaic solar panels - 50'000 kWh / year
  • Used coffee grounds generate renewable energy in Switzerland
  • Nespresso building

    Boutique transformations

  • Inspired by BREEAM/LEED certification
  • New shops eco-designed with sustainably sourced materials
  • Furniture made from coffee grounds
  • Nespresso boutique

    Regenerative coffeee

    For almost 20 years, we’ve supported AAA farmers in cultivating high-quality coffee, while protecting nature. We’ve also launched our first organic coffees from Peru, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


    Protect and monitor wildlife


    Promote regenerative practices


    Work in harmony with nature


    Plant trees to improve soil & resilience