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Pour 100ml of semi-skimmed milk in the Nespresso Barista device, up to the minimum mark level.
將100毫升半脫脂奶倒入 Nespresso Barista 沖調器至最低刻度(MIN)。
Pour one full Barista spoon or 10ml of vanilla syrup.
加入1滿勺 Barista 咖啡匙或10毫升雲呢拿糖漿
Close the lid, select the "Latte Macchiato" recipe on the device and press the start button.
合上壺蓋,在沖調器上選擇「Latte Macchiato」,再按下開始鍵。
Pour the flavored hot milk foam in a VIEW recipe glass and extract 40ml of Variations Nordic Almond Cake Flavoured on the top.
將調製好的熱奶泡倒入 VIEW 玻璃食譜杯,再在杯中加入40毫升 Variations Nordic Almond Cake Flavoured 咖啡。
Put some flaked almonds over it.
咖啡與酒精的完美結合。 然而,探索此特調您需要年滿18歲
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