{"version":3,"file":"index.es.min.js","sources":["../../../packages/helpers/src/utils.ts","../../../packages/helpers/src/props.helpers.js","../../../packages/page-builder-sections/src/machine-specifications/machine-specifications.js"],"sourcesContent":["export { waitForSelector } from './waitForSelector'\n\nexport const constants = {\n LEFT: 37,\n UP: 38,\n RIGHT: 39,\n DOWN: 40,\n ESC: 27,\n SPACE: 32,\n ENTER: 13,\n TAB: 9\n}\n\nexport function capitalize(s = '') {\n return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)\n}\n\nexport const convertToCamelCase = (str: string): string => {\n const arr = str.match(/[a-z]+|\\d+/gi)\n if (!arr) { return str }\n return arr.map((m, i) => {\n let low = m.toLowerCase()\n if (i !== 0) {\n low = low.split('').map((s, k) => (k === 0 ? s.toUpperCase() : s)).join(\"\")\n }\n return low\n }).join(\"\")\n}\n\nexport function slug(s = '') {\n return s\n .toLowerCase()\n .trim()\n .replace(/\\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -\n .replace(/[^\\w-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars\n .replace(/--+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -\n}\n\nexport function pxToEm(target: number, stripedInnerFontSize = 1) {\n return target / 14 / stripedInnerFontSize + 'em'\n}\n\nexport function percent(target: number) {\n return target + '%'\n}\n\nexport function parseHTML(str: string) {\n const tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('')\n tmp.body.innerHTML = str\n return tmp.body.childNodes\n}\n\nexport function stripHTML(str: string) {\n const tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('')\n tmp.body.innerHTML = str\n return (tmp.body.textContent ?? \"\").replace(RegExp('[\\\\s|\\'|\"]', 'g'), '')\n}\n\nexport function makeId(length: number) {\n var result = ''\n var characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'\n var charactersLength = characters.length\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength))\n }\n return result\n}\n\nexport function removeEmptyValues(obj: { [key: string]: any }): { [key: string]: any } {\n const findText = [\n 'Default campaign ID (tracking missing in Page Builder export)',\n 'Default campaign name (tracking missing in Page Builder export)',\n 'promoname', \n 'promoid', \n 'promocreative', \n 'undefined'\n ];\n \n for (let key in obj) {\n const value = obj[key];\n \n if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') {\n delete obj[key];\n continue;\n }\n \n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n for (const text of findText) {\n if (value.includes(text)) {\n delete obj[key];\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n return obj;\n}\n\nexport function makeHash(str: string) {\n var hash = 0,\n i,\n chr\n if (!str) {\n return hash\n }\n for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\n chr = str.charCodeAt(i)\n hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr\n hash |= 0 // Convert to 32bit integer\n }\n return 'id-' + hash\n}\n\nexport function getHashLink(link: string) {\n let linkHash = link\n let linkNoHash = link\n if (link.indexOf('#') !== -1) {\n linkNoHash = link.replace('#', '')\n } else {\n linkHash = '#' + link\n }\n\n return { linkNoHash, linkHash }\n}\n\nexport function lazyLoad(node: Element, attribute: string, value: any, url: string) {\n const CLASSNAME_OUT_OF_SCREEN = 'lazy-load'\n const CLASSNAME_IN_SCREEN = 'lazy-loaded'\n const CLASSNAME_ON_ERROR = 'lazy-loaded-error'\n\n const isOldIOS = () => {\n var agent = window.navigator.userAgent,\n start = agent.indexOf('OS ')\n if ((agent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1 || agent.indexOf('iPad') > -1) && start > -1) {\n return window.Number(agent.substr(start + 3, 3).replace('_', '.')) < 14\n }\n return false\n }\n\n const inViewPort = (attribute: string, value: any) => {\n node.setAttribute(attribute, value)\n\n const cb = () => node.classList.add(CLASSNAME_IN_SCREEN)\n\n if (url) {\n const img = new Image()\n img.src = url\n img.onload = cb\n img.onerror = () => {\n cb()\n node.classList.add(CLASSNAME_ON_ERROR)\n throw new Error(`Image ${url} cannot be loaded`)\n }\n\n return\n }\n\n cb()\n }\n\n if (/Trident\\/|MSIE/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || isOldIOS()) {\n inViewPort(attribute, value)\n } else {\n if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) {\n node.classList.add(CLASSNAME_OUT_OF_SCREEN)\n let lazyBackgroundObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {\n entries.forEach(function (entry) {\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\n inViewPort(attribute, value)\n lazyBackgroundObserver.unobserve(entry.target)\n }\n })\n })\n lazyBackgroundObserver.observe(node)\n } else {\n inViewPort(attribute, value)\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport function lazyLoadCallback(node: Element, cb: () => void) {\n const isOldIOS = () => {\n var agent = window.navigator.userAgent,\n start = agent.indexOf('OS ')\n if ((agent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1 || agent.indexOf('iPad') > -1) && start > -1) {\n return window.Number(agent.substr(start + 3, 3).replace('_', '.')) < 14\n }\n return false\n }\n\n if (/Trident\\/|MSIE/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || isOldIOS()) {\n cb()\n } else {\n if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) {\n let lazyBackgroundObserver = new IntersectionObserver(\n function (entries) {\n entries.forEach(function (entry) {\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\n cb()\n lazyBackgroundObserver.unobserve(entry.target)\n }\n })\n },\n { rootMargin: '150% 0px' }\n )\n lazyBackgroundObserver.observe(node)\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Debounce\nexport function debounce<T>(func: (v: T) => void, time = 100) {\n let timer: number\n return function (event: T) {\n if (timer) {\n window.clearTimeout(timer)\n }\n timer = window.setTimeout(func, time, event)\n }\n}\n\n// isIE - to check for internet explorer\nexport function isIE() {\n let ua = window.navigator.userAgent,\n isIE = /MSIE|Trident/.test(ua)\n\n return isIE\n}\n\n// Load external script\nexport const loadExternalScript = ({\n src,\n callback = null,\n async = false,\n defer = false,\n module = false,\n id = ''\n}: {\n src: string;\n callback: null | GlobalEventHandlers[\"onload\"]\n module: boolean,\n defer: boolean,\n async: boolean,\n id: string\n}) => {\n const script = document.createElement('script')\n script.type = module ? 'module' : 'text/javascript'\n script.src = src\n id ? (script.id = id) : false // add id attribute only if passed\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n script.onload = callback\n }\n script.async = async\n script.defer = defer\n document.body.appendChild(script)\n}\n\n// Load external css\nexport const loadExternalCss = ({ src }: { src: string }) => {\n const script = document.createElement('link')\n script.rel = 'stylesheet'\n script.href = src\n document.body.appendChild(script)\n}\n// Lazy load vendor script\nexport const lazyLoadVendorScript = (handler, el) => {\n const observer = new IntersectionObserver(handler)\n observer.observe(el)\n}\n\n/**\n * Replaces variable inside a given string\n * Each variable have to be enclosed between stChr and enChr\n * The values have to be contained in the vars object, they key must match\n * example :\n * txt : 'See {resultsLength} Results'\n * vars : {resultsLength:'30'}\n * stChr : '{'\n * enChr : '}'\n *\n * will return : 'See 30 Results'\n *\n * @param {string} txt\n * @param {object} vars\n * @param {string} stChr\n * @param {string} enChr\n */\nexport function interpolate(txt: string, vars: Record<string, null | undefined | string>, stChr: string, enChr: string) {\n let curIdx = 0\n\n while (txt) {\n const stIdx = txt.indexOf(stChr, curIdx)\n if (stIdx === -1) {\n break\n }\n const enIdx = txt.indexOf(enChr, stIdx + 1)\n if (enIdx === -1) {\n break\n }\n const hashId = txt.substring(stIdx + stChr.length, enIdx)\n if (vars[hashId] != null) {\n txt = txt.substr(0, stIdx) + vars[hashId] + txt.substr(enIdx + enChr.length)\n curIdx = stIdx\n } else {\n curIdx = enIdx\n }\n }\n return txt\n}\n\n/**\n * Find in container element, add height to equal size of element\n * @param container css path where my element is contain e.g. `.c-container`\n * @param el css path of elements to equalized\n */\nexport const equalHeight = (containerSelector: string, el: string, elementScope: HTMLElement) => {\n const container = elementScope.querySelector<HTMLElement>(containerSelector)\n if (!container) {\n return\n }\n\n const items = container.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(el)\n let max = -1\n\n for (let i = 0; i < [...items].length; i++) {\n const item = [...items][i]\n let h = item.offsetHeight\n max = h > max ? h : max\n }\n\n if (max <= 0) {\n return\n }\n\n for (let i = 0; i < [...items].length; i++) {\n const item = [...items][i]\n item.style.height = `${max}px`\n }\n}\n\nexport const stringifyCurlyQuote = (data: {}) => JSON.stringify(data).replace(\"'\", '’')\n\nexport const stringifyForAttribute = (data = {}) => {\n return escapeHtml(JSON.stringify(data))\n}\n\n/**\n * This function is included instead of sanitizeString because for\n * inserting HTML into innerHTML we need to make sure all HTML\n * entities are escaped.\n */\nexport const escapeHtml = (text: string) => {\n const map = {\n '&': '&',\n '<': '<',\n '>': '>',\n '\"': '"',\n \"'\": '''\n } as { [s: string]: string }\n\n return text.replace(/[&<>\"']/g, (m) => map[m])\n}\n\n/**\n * Because setting attributes escapes more than the characters above and then preact also\n * escapes text we need a more complete way of unescaping all html entities (not just the ones\n * above)\n */\nconst domParser = new DOMParser()\nexport const unescapeHtml = (text: string) => {\n return domParser.parseFromString(text, \"text/html\").body.textContent\n}\n\nexport const sanitizeString = (data: {}) => {\n if (!data) {\n return ''\n }\n\n return data.toString().replace(/\"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''')\n}\n\nexport const stripTags = (s: string) => {\n return (s || '').replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '')\n}\n\nexport const setAttributes = (element: Element, attrs: Record<string, any>) => {\n for (let key in attrs) {\n element.setAttribute(key, attrs[key])\n }\n return element\n}\n\nexport const getMetaContent = (metaName: string) => {\n const metaTag = document.querySelector(`meta[name=${metaName}]`)\n if (!metaTag) {\n return ''\n }\n return metaTag.getAttribute('content')\n}\n\nexport const isObjectEmpty = (obj: {}) => {\n return Object.keys(obj).length === 0\n}\n","const getData = attributes => attributes.find(attribute => attribute.nodeName === 'data')\n\nconst createProps = attributes => {\n const data = getData([...attributes])\n const props = [...attributes]\n .filter(attribute => attribute.nodeName !== 'data')\n .reduce((all, attr) => {\n return { ...all, [attr.nodeName]: attr.nodeValue }\n }, {})\n\n if (isNil(data)) {\n return props\n }\n\n try {\n return { ...props, ...JSON.parse(data.nodeValue) }\n } catch (error) {\n console.log('ERROR: No data', error, data?.nodeValue)\n }\n}\n\nconst isNil = obj => obj === undefined || obj === null\n\nexport const parseBool = value => (!value || value === 'false' ? false : true)\n\nexport default createProps\n","import { CONTRAST_LIGHT } from '@kissui/components'\nimport { debounce } from '@kissui/helpers/src/utils'\nimport createProps from '@kissui/helpers/src/props.helpers'\n\n// see schema\nconst MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS = {\n nextV1: 'next-v1',\n refresh2024: 'refresh-2024'\n}\nclass MachineSpecifications extends HTMLElement {\n variation = MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS.nextV1\n\n constructor() {\n super()\n const stickyImgDebounceTimer = 10\n this.stickyImageSetter = debounce(this.setStickyImage.bind(this), stickyImgDebounceTimer)\n }\n\n connectedCallback() {\n this.props = createProps(this.attributes)\n const { options } = this.props\n this.variation =\n options?.layoutVariation === MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS.refresh2024\n ? MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS.refresh2024\n : this.variation\n this.render()\n if (this.variation === MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS.nextV1) {\n this.stickyImageSetter()\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.stickyImageSetter)\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n const { layout, campaign, copywriting } = this.props\n\n if (!copywriting.specs) {\n return null\n }\n\n this.innerHTML = `<nb-container\n ${\n // v2 does not need an image\n this.variation === MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS.nextV1 &&\n `background_color='${layout.background_color}' background_desktop='${layout.background.desktop}' background_retina='${layout.background.retina}'`\n }\n contrast='${CONTRAST_LIGHT}'\n classname='${layout.padding_top} ${layout.padding_bottom}'\n class='${this.variation}'\n campaign_id='${campaign.id}'\n campaign_name='${campaign.name}'\n campaign_position='${campaign.position}'\n campaign_creative='${campaign.creative}'>\n <div class='cb-col'>\n <h2 class='heading'>${copywriting.heading}</h2>\n <ul class='items'>\n ${copywriting.specs.map(this.renderItem).join('')}\n </ul>\n </div>\n </nb-container>\n `\n }\n\n renderItem(data) {\n const { icon, heading, description } = data\n return `\n <li>\n <nb-icon icon='${icon}'></nb-icon>\n <h3 class='title'>${heading}</h3>\n <p class='label'>${description}</p>\n </li>\n `\n }\n\n disconnectedCallback() {\n if (this.variation === MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS.nextV1) {\n window.removeEventListener('resize', this.stickyImageSetter)\n }\n }\n\n setStickyImage() {\n const machineBgImg = this.querySelector('.cb-bg-img')\n if (!machineBgImg) {\n return\n }\n machineBgImg.setAttribute(\n 'sticky',\n machineBgImg.offsetWidth > machineBgImg.offsetHeight ? 'true' : 'false'\n )\n }\n}\n\ncustomElements.get('nb-machine-specifications') ||\n customElements.define('nb-machine-specifications', MachineSpecifications)\n\nexport default MachineSpecifications\n"],"names":["DOMParser","isNil","obj","MACHINE_SPEC_VARIATIONS","MachineSpecifications","HTMLElement","constructor","variation","this","stickyImageSetter","debounce","func","time","timer","event","window","clearTimeout","setTimeout","setStickyImage","bind","connectedCallback","props","attributes","data","find","attribute","nodeName","getData","filter","reduce","all","attr","nodeValue","JSON","parse","error","console","log","createProps","options","layoutVariation","render","addEventListener","layout","campaign","copywriting","specs","innerHTML","background_color","background","desktop","retina","padding_top","padding_bottom","id","name","position","creative","heading","map","renderItem","join","icon","description","disconnectedCallback","removeEventListener","machineBgImg","querySelector","setAttribute","offsetWidth","offsetHeight","customElements","get","define"],"mappings":"gKAiXkB,IAAIA,UCjXtB,MAqBMC,EAAQC,GAAoC,MAARA,EChBpCC,EACM,UADNA,EAEW,eAEjB,MAAMC,UAA8BC,YAGhCC,WAAAA,WAFAC,EAAAA,iBAAYJ,GAKRK,KAAKC,kBFqMGC,SAAYC,EAAsBC,EAAO,KACjDC,IAAAA,EACJ,OAAO,SAAUC,GACTD,GACAE,OAAOC,aAAaH,GAExBA,EAAQE,OAAOE,WAAWN,EAAMC,EAAME,EAAK,CAEnD,CE7MiCJ,CAASF,KAAKU,eAAeC,KAAKX,MAD5B,GAEnC,CAEAY,iBAAAA,GACSC,KAAAA,MDjBOC,CAAAA,IACVC,MAAAA,EAHMD,CAAAA,GAAcA,EAAWE,MAAKC,GAAoC,SAAvBA,EAAUC,WAGpDC,CAAQ,IAAIL,IACnBD,EAAQ,IAAIC,GACbM,QAAOH,GAAoC,SAAvBA,EAAUC,WAC9BG,QAAO,CAACC,EAAKC,KACH,IAAKD,EAAK,CAACC,EAAKL,UAAWK,EAAKC,aACxC,CAAE,GAET,GAAI/B,EAAMsB,GACCF,OAAAA,EAGP,IACO,MAAA,IAAKA,KAAUY,KAAKC,MAAMX,EAAKS,WACzC,OAAQG,GACLC,QAAQC,IAAI,iBAAkBF,EAAOZ,GAAMS,UAC/C,GCCiBM,CAAY9B,KAAKc,YACxB,MAAEiB,QAAAA,GAAY/B,KAAKa,MACpBd,KAAAA,UACDgC,GAASC,kBAAoBrC,EACvBA,EACAK,KAAKD,UACfC,KAAKiC,SACDjC,KAAKD,YAAcJ,IACnBK,KAAKC,oBACLM,OAAO2B,iBAAiB,SAAUlC,KAAKC,mBAE/C,CAEAgC,MAAAA,GACU,MAAEE,OAAAA,EAAQC,SAAAA,EAAUC,YAAAA,GAAgBrC,KAAKa,MAE/C,IAAKwB,EAAYC,MACN,OAAA,KAGXtC,KAAKuC,UAAY,8BAGTvC,KAAKD,YAAcJ,GACnB,qBAAqBwC,EAAOK,yCAAyCL,EAAOM,WAAWC,+BAA+BP,EAAOM,WAAWE,mEAG/HR,EAAOS,eAAeT,EAAOU,uCACjC7C,KAAKD,wCACCqC,EAASU,mCACPV,EAASW,yCACLX,EAASY,6CACTZ,EAASa,mFAENZ,EAAYa,mEAE9Bb,EAAYC,MAAMa,IAAInD,KAAKoD,YAAYC,KAAK,mFAK1D,CAEAD,UAAAA,CAAWrC,GACD,MAAEuC,KAAAA,EAAMJ,QAAAA,EAASK,YAAAA,GAAgBxC,EAChC,MAAA,wCAEUuC,4CACGJ,oCACDK,0BAGvB,CAEAC,oBAAAA,GACQxD,KAAKD,YAAcJ,GACnBY,OAAOkD,oBAAoB,SAAUzD,KAAKC,kBAElD,CAEAS,cAAAA,GACUgD,MAAAA,EAAe1D,KAAK2D,cAAc,cACnCD,GAGLA,EAAaE,aACT,SACAF,EAAaG,YAAcH,EAAaI,aAAe,OAAS,QAExE,EAGJC,eAAeC,IAAI,8BACfD,eAAeE,OAAO,4BAA6BrE"}