Master Origins
Original Master Origin Coffee: India with Robusta Monsoon.
Capsule price: €0.55
Master Origins India with Robusta Monsoon owes its wild taste to the unique monsooning process. When the coffee beans spend months face to the wind, they develop a distinct woody, savory, spicy taste - as thick and lingering as sea mist. A powerful cup. Using Robusta along with the Arabica coffee really gives it that heavy, syrupy body.
40 ML
110 ML
5 of 5
1 of 5
5 of 5
4 of 5
Original Master Origin Coffee: India with Robusta Monsoon.
Master Origins India owes its intense and spicy notes to the combination of Robusta exposed to the monsoons and Indian Arabica.
Monsonization is a typical technique of the southwest coast of India.
Months of continuous exposure to these winds cause the beans to grow in volume and dry them out.
A process that recalls the era of sailing ships, when weather conditions influenced the coffee while sailing towards Europe.