Nespresso Vertuo Next Dark Grey | Refurbished Machines | Nespresso

Nespresso Vertuo Next Dark Grey | Refurbished Machines | Nespresso

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Vertuo Next Dark Grey Refurbished

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Vertuo Next Refurbished

Vertuo Next Dark Grey Refurbished A

NOK 1,599.00

Product Description

A refurbished Vertuo machine without compromising your coffee experience. Relove machines are like new but with a lower climate footprint and at a favorable price. Read more >

Nespresso Vertuo Next always aims to go higher. If you feel like a Mug this morning, an Espresso after lunch and a Gran Lungo this afternoon, Vertuo Next has you covered. So that you can decide how far you want to take your coffee experience, it encompasses the full range of coffee styles with its 7 cup sizes, all at the touch of a button. 


Vertuo Next offers the Nespresso coffee experience, just one step forward, with a new brewing system: the Centrifusion technology. It allows the machine to read the barcode integrated in each capsule. It then spins up, adjusting even the slightest settings, to extract the hidden treasures of each capsule. To give each blend its own coffee.


To prove that Vertuo Next will go to many lengths to please you, it is available in a large choice of colours. With its chrome accents, it will certainly fit any kitchen. And to please the planet, it is made of 54% recycled plastics, a first in the Nespresso galaxy. To go the extra mile, and to make sure it is never out of place, the machine even connects to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to update itself and offer you a constantly seamless experience. 


Taking today’s coffee experience to the next level.

  • Weight: 4 kg
  • Removable water tank: 1 L
  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 14.2x42.9x31.4
  • Capacity in the container for used capsules: 10


  • Bluetooth Connectivity


Vertuo Line

The full range of coffee styles

Ristretto 25ml Ristretto
Espresso 40ml Espresso
Double Espresso 89ml Double
Gran Lungo 150ml Gran Lungo
Mug 230ml Mug
Alto355ml Alto
Carafe 535ml Carafe

Centrifusion™ Extraction Technology
Barcode reading technology to extract the right amount of coffee with generous and smooth crema.

Coffee at your fingertips
Extraction parameters adapted to each coffee at the touch of a button.

Generous and smooth Crema
Smooth taste, full body and rich crema. Even in a bigger cup. Coffee, redefined.

*Alto is not for Vertuo Plus machines.
*Carafe is not for Vertuo Plus & Vertuo Pop machines.
