10 coffees Arpeggio, 10 coffees Paris Espresso, 10 coffees Volutto for 3 PLN
iAdd 210 coffees from the Original and/or Vertuo lines and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Stockholm, 10 coffees Tokyo i 10 coffees Colombia for 3 PLN
iAdd 210 coffees from the Original and/or Vertuo lines and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
50 kaw Arpeggio for 5 PLN
iAdd 400 coffees from the Original and/or Vertuo lines and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
50 kaw Stockholm for 5 PLN
iAdd 400 coffees from the Original and/or Vertuo lines and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Costa Rica for 1 PLN
iAdd 60 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Vivida for 1 PLN
iAdd 60 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Costa Rica i 10 coffees Inizio for 2 PLN
iAdd 110 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Vivida i 10 coffees Colombia for 2 PLN
iAdd 110 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Costa Rica, 10 coffees Inizio i 10 coffees Ginseng
iAdd 150 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
10 coffees Vivida, 10 coffees Colombia i 10 coffees Golden Caramel
iAdd 150 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
50 kaw Costa Rica for 5 PLN
iAdd 250 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code:
50 kaw Colombia for 5 PLN
iAdd 250 coffees from the Vertuo line and at the stage of finalizing the order enter the discount code: