Delivery times via Carrier and Post Office
- SP and RJ: up to 1 business day.
- DF, AC, MA, TO and RO: up to 5 business days.
- SE, AL, RN, TO, RS: up to 6 business days.
- AP, MG, GO, MS, PR, SC, BA, SE, PE, AL, AM and RR: up to 8 business days.
- PB, RN, PI, MT and PA: up to 10 business days.
- CE and RS: up to 20 business days.
Other cities and the interior:
- Add 3 business days.
Delivery times via Moment N:
- SP and RJ: up to 1 business day.
- AC, AL, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, MT, PA, PB, PE, PI, PR, RN, RS and SC up to: up to 4 business days.
- RO and AP: up to 6 business days.
- AM, RR and TO up to: up to 20 business days.
Other cities and the interior:
- Add 3 business days.