Frequently asked questions
For technical problems or questions regarding your Nespresso Professional machine you can call our customer service at 800 186 5007 (8am to 10pm, toll-free within Singapore).
Our coffee specialists will be happy to assist you in diagnosing the problem of your machine. In case the issue cannot be resolved over the phone, we will be happy to take and pass on a technical order.
A technician will contact you within one to two working days to make an appointment for a visit on site.
Here you will find the machine assistance video for every Nespresso Professional machine.
In addition, our Coffee Specialists are available to help you on using your machine, and if needed, give you an immediate diagnosis over the phone. Contact us at 800 186 5007 (8am to 10pm, toll-free within Singapore).
Check the mains plug and fuses. If this does not work, our Coffee Specialists are available to help you on using your machine. Contact us at 800 186 5007.
Capsules fall through
If the capsule falls through or is not perforated after inserting, please smooth down the edge of the capsule and try it again.Machine does not start
If the machine does not start, please check if the main cable is connected to the machine. Also check the cable underneath the machine.If these tips don't help you to achieve the desired solution, please contact us at 800 186 5007 (8am to 10pm, toll-free within Singapore).