Loop-krus og låg fra Huskee | Nespresso™ Danmark

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Loop on the go

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Loop on the go

DKK 169,00


Krus og låg fra genbrugsmateriale. Rummer 390 ml
Træd ind i en harmonisk cyklus med Loop Collection, og nyd din kaffe i denne genanvendelige kop.
Koppen er fremstillet af 36% kaffebønneskaller og suppleret med et låg af 22% skaller, og er en påmindelse om, at hver del af naturen er værdifuld.

Højde 13,95 cm
Højde (uden låg) 121 mm Ø83,9 mm
Kapacitet ca. 390 ml
Materialer: genanvendte skaller fra kaffebønner (kop 36 %, låg 22 %) og polypropylen
Kan vaskes i opvaskemaskine.
This Loop Set is partly made using 30% recovered coffee husk (36% for the mug and 22% for the lid) applied on the external wall of the cup and top part of the lid. The natural odor of the husk will progressively fade over time.
• Before use, please dish-wash the cup and the lid or thoroughly clean them with mild soap and rinse with warm water.
• Do not use abrasive material that might damage the surface of the cup and the lid.
• The lid has a small drinking hole, and is designed to prevent spills on the go.
• In case of staining or lipstick traces on the matt exterior, we recommend washing them by hand as quickly as possible.
• Always proceed with caution when handling hot liquids and keep out of children’s reach


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    DKK 279,00