Solelio | Long Fruity & Light Roast Coffee | Nespresso

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230 ml


Mug 230 ml


Fruity and light-bodied

intensity of 2

7.30 €

1 Sleeve (10 Capsules)

Price per capsule: 0.73 €

Vertuo coffee capsule Solelio logo

Fruity and light-bodied

Why we love it:
Solelio is our gentlest start to the day. This Vertuo coffee capsule is an Arabica blend of two renowned washed coffees - both loved for their lively acidity and their distinct fruity notes. We split roast and blended high-grown Colombian coffee and Kenyan coffee to create a light roast coffee with a light body and a lovable character. A juicy acidity shines through Solelio’s toasted cereal note. It’s hard to miss the classic fruitiness of the Colombian and Kenyan coffees. You can really ease into morning with this Vertuo coffee.


Day’s dawning is gentle with this Vertuo coffee pod. As a black coffee you’ll taste Solelio’s toasted cereal note enriched by those classic fruity notes of the Colombian and Kenyan coffees. A juicy and lively acidity dances through a Solelio Americano or long black.

We split roast the Arabica coffees in Solelio. We give the Colombian coffee a short and light roast to highlight its red fruit notes. The Kenyan coffee gets a medium and long roast to temper the acidity and round out this Vertuo coffee pod. It’s a light roast coffee but we adjust grind and extraction to bring out the coffee crema in Solelio.

L'inici del dia és més agradable amb aquesta càpsula de cafè Vertuo. Com a cafè sol, assaboriràs la nota de cereals torrats de Solelio enriquida amb les clàssiques notes afruitades dels cafès colombià i kenyà. Percep com voleteja la sucosa i vibrant acidesa de Solelio, fet com a Americano o com a cafè sol llarg.
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3 of 5


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1 of 5