Buy 150 Coffee Capsules to Receive HKD25 Club Credits & Ice Lolly Mold
Buy 150 Coffee Capsules to Receive HKD25 Club Credits & Ice Lolly Mold
Buy 150 Capsules to Receive HKD 25 Club Credits and a Summer Limited Edition Ice Lolly Mold.
Buy 200 Capsules to Receive HKD 50 Club Credits and Limited Edition Affogato Dessert Bowls.
Buy 250 Capsules to Receive HKD 100 Club Credits and Limited Edition Affogato Dessert Bowls.
Terms and Conditions Apply:
1. Purchase any 150 regular-priced coffee capsules at a single purchase during the promotional period to Receive HKD 25 Club Credits for next order.
2. Purchase of any 200 regular-priced coffee capsules at a single purchase during the promotional period to Receive HKD 50 Club Credits for next order and Limited Edition Affogato Dessert Bowls (set of 2).
3. Purchase of any 250 regular-priced coffee capsules at a single purchase during the promotional period to Receive HKD 100 Club Credits for next order and Limited Edition Affogato Bowls (set of 2).
4. The offer is valid from 6 June 2024 to 11 August 2024, while stocks last, in Hong Kong and Macau only.
5. The Club Credits received are valid until 3 Nov 2024.
6. The offer is available at Nespresso Hong Kong Boutiques, Nespresso Trade Points*, Nespresso Online Boutique ( and mobile applications) and Nespresso Customer Service Hotline (Hong Kong: 8101 1007, Macau: 0800 846).
7. The offer is not redeemable for cash, other products, or changes and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers of Nespresso.
8. In case of any disputes, Nespresso, a division of Nestlé Hong Kong Ltd. reserves the final right of decision and interpretation.
*Nespresso Hong Kong Boutiques (ifc Shop 1058A, Festival Walk Shop LG2-70, ELEMENTS shop 1089B, YOHO MALL I Shop 1056, AIRSIDE Shop 219 & 224, apm Shop UC-20)
Nespresso Trade Points (city'super Shatin, Sogo Causeway Bay 10/F, J SELECT PopCorn)
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Bianco Forte 咖啡在混合鮮奶之後,為您將香濃個性淋漓展現。這款咖啡的靈感源自澳洲墨爾本的咖啡師,他們擅長調製出濃郁而均衡的口感滋味,透過特別的烘焙與調配方式,將香濃與鮮奶完美融和。為展現這種獨特風味,我門在全球遍尋適合的咖啡豆,再精心設計出絕妙的烘焙方式。Bianco Forte 採用精選哥倫比亞及肯亞 Arabica 咖啡豆,以分離式烘焙方法,將兩款咖啡豆分別作較深度的烘焙,最適合沖調作Reverse Intenso(在50毫升冰鮮奶上,提取230毫升咖啡)。
Coffee (230ml)
3 of 5
Content: 10 capsules of roast and ground coffee for the Nespresso system.
Ingredients & Allergens Roast and ground coffee
Net Weight (10 capsules) 125 g - 4.40 oz
Made in Switzerland
烘焙講究溫度、時間和深度,三者完美配合才能引伸出咖啡與鮮奶的和諧協奏。經過無數嘗試,我們發現唯有分離式深度烘焙,才能成就出可以與鮮奶恰到好處配合的芳醇品味。Bianco Forte 將部分咖啡豆作長時間深度烘焙,另一部分作較短時間和相對略為輕度的烘焙處理,成為沖調鮮奶咖啡的理想之選。