Master Origins Colombia

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Product Information



Fr. 0.63
All prices are and exclude VAT.

Product Attributes

  • Original
  • intensity of 6
  • Espresso 40 ml
  • Lungo 110 ml

Product Description

Fruity and balanced

Master Origins Colombia with late-harvest arabica uses only high-grown, washed-processed Colombian arabica. Can you taste the lively acidity and the burst of winey red fruit aromas? That comes from those coffee farmers who dared to wait longer before harvesting their crop.

Only arabica goes into Colombia. The coffee farmers harvest some of the coffee cherries later than usual. Almost deep purple coffee cherries hang heavy on the branches – the fruit sugars seeping deeper into the coffee bean with every day that passes. The skill is knowing when the time is ripe. The reward in venturing into this challenging coffee farming technique is in the cup – Master Origin Colombia carries a distinct lively acidity and a winey red fruits taste.
The Arabica is lightly roasted, to preserve its subtle aromas. In contrast, the Robusta is well roasted to reveal its intensity and develop a full body. Very fine grinding supports the body and enhances the flavour.
Cocoa and dry plant notes, as well as a spicy bouquet reminiscent of cloves, pepper and nutmeg.
10 capsules of roast and ground coffee for the Nespresso system.

Ingredients & allergens

Roast and ground coffee

No allergens present

Packaged in a protective atmosphere

Net Weight (for 10 capsules)

57 g

Made in Switzerland