Càpsules de cafè Buenos Aires Lungo | Aràbiga Robusta | Nespresso™

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World Explorations

Buenos Aires Lungo

Distinct delight sweet & cereal

intensity of 4

5.00 €

Capsule price: 0.50 €

5.00 € euros per sleeve
DISTINCT DELIGHT SWEET & CEREAL The sweet popcorn note and mild character of this Arabica and Robusta blend is a delicious complement to the vibrant city life of Buenos Aires. A destination for true foodies, Buenos Aires is a highlight of Argentina’s vibrant food scene. Sweetness prevails, and coffee is no exception: they love it sweet and milky! WORLD EXPLORATIONS BUENOS AIRES LUNGO blends a gently roasted Colombian Arabica with Ugandan Robusta to deliver distinct cereal and sweet popcorn notes. A tribute to the city’s love for smooth long cups. Drink it like a local: Add a generous drop of milk and sugar at will to your Lungo for an extra treat.


Buenos Aires Lungo is an aromatic and balanced blend with nutty cereal notes, abundant sweetness and characteristic popcorn notes.

This coffee is gradually roasted in two controlled splits to ensure its light profile is preserved. The second split is smaller but is roasted for slightly longer to deliver some intensity and body to the blend.

Crafted with washed Colombian Arabica that adds delicate fruity acidity, and lightly roasted Ugandan Robusta that brings out malty cereal and sweet popcorn notes in the blend.
Best served as
110 ML


1 of 5


2 of 5


1 of 5


1 of 5

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