Master Origins
Master Origin Ethiopia
Flowery and bright
6.01 €
(Total price with VAT)
1 sleeve (10 Capsule)
Capsule Price: 0.55 €
If you like milk and you like coffee, enjoy a Cappuccino prepared with the Master Ethiopia coffee with Arabica treated in dry and with milk foam. In this cup of coffee with milk you will be able to taste the delicate floral notes, and that is that, the habilitades of the Ethiopian coffee growers still remain in the milk foam.
100% Ethiopian Arabica.
110 ML
2 of 5
4 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
Ethiopia Organic
This is East African Arabica at its finest - heady florals with a gentle hint of musk wafting through the cup. Ethiopia with dry processed Arabica involves sun-drying some of the coffee cherry. This continual hand-turning to ensure even drying calls for great care. And Ethiopian farmers have used this method for longer than anyone else.
For up to four weeks the sun shines down on the Arabica coffee as the Ethiopian farmers carefully hand-turn it at regular intervals to ensure it dries evenly.
A light and short roast keeps the more delicate notes alive and singing through the wilder, heavier aromatics of this Ethiopian coffee.
Our capsules are made of 80% recycled Aluminium
This is part of our continued journey towards circularity, going further to minimize waste and maximize the reuse of product materials.
Recycled aluminium requires less energy to produce and it provides the perfect barrier against oxygen, light, and humidity to protect the freshness and aromas of coffee over time.