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You’ve heard of Indonesia’s coffee, but what about its cocoa? Step into the story of two of Indonesia’s beloved exports in this indulgent caffè mocha. The chocolate syrup and milk soften and enrich the woody notes of Master Origin Indonesia. The crunchiness of dark chocolate chips with chili powder topping adds a spicy island kick to this drink.
Inspired by the popular use of citrus thyme in Ethiopia’s tea and infusions. They’ve used thyme about as long as they’ve grown coffee – it’s ancient practice. You'll see it brings out the floral and jammy fruit notes in Master Origin Ethiopia. The grapefruit's citrus aroma adds that extra touch of refreshing to this drink.
Coffee and alcohol get along very well. However, to discover how, you need to be 18 or more
The abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health. Consume with moderation.
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