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Ispirazione Italiana


Intensely RoastedFruity
  • Original
  • intensity of 10
  • Ristretto
  • Espresso
Ispirazione Ristretto POWERFUL AND CONTRASTING COFFEE Roastiness ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Acidity ■ ■ ■ □ □ Bitterness ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Body ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Intensity: 10 on 13 ADD TO CART This medium dark roast embodies Italy’s iconic coffee culture in just a short, quick sip. So, if you’re after a small taste for yourself, this is it. Aromatic profile: A roasty and intense coffee but with fruity notes and a hint of acidity dancing through the blend. Roasting profile: Medium Roast Time Middle Dark Roast Also available in Decaffeinato A drop of deliciousness: the essence of Italy’s iconic drinking tradition. Inspired by the ambassador of all Italian coffees, the ristretto, we chose not to imitate, but to roast our perfect version. Italians say coffee is all about the four Ms of miscela, macinazione, macchina, and mano. Crafting Ispirazione Ristretto with respect for this Italian classic begins with the blend – the miscela. We crafted Ispirazione Ristretto to reflect the elegance and excellence of Italian culture and coffee. On top of a neutral base of Brazilian Arabica comes a dash of Robusta from South India. The best of South American and East African Arabicas add a hint of a crisp fruit note to Ispirazione Ristretto Decaffeinato.

Ref. Nr.: 7885.20
Nespresso experts surveyed the best local bars and roasters in Italy and drew inspiration from their tasting experiences to craft a sophisticated recipe that combines Arabicas and Robustas coming for all three producing continents. Brazilian Arabicas serve as a neutral base that is spiced with a dash of high quality Robusta from South India. Finally, the best of South American and East African Arabicas add a hint of a crisp fruit note, masterfully finishing the Ristretto Italiano.
Split roasting means you can taste what each coffee brings to the cup. The long-roasted Robusta coffee gives Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano its body, its roastiness, and its cocoa bitterness. Putting the Arabica coffees through a quick roast keeps their bright acidity and fruity notes alive and gives Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano more in the cup. We celebrate Italy’s rich history of master blenders and roasters in Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano.
A roasty and intense coffee but with fruity notes and a hint of acidity dancing through the blend – Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano is mysterious and magnetic in its complexity. It’s a profile worthy of an ambassador – a coffee that explains Italians’ passion for coffee and makes sense of why it’s ingrained in daily life. Extracted to the classic 25 ml, you’ll soon see how right the Italians are – this drop of deliciousness shows how less can truly be more.
10 capsules of roast and ground coffee for the Nespresso system.

Packaged in a protective atmosphere.

Net Weight (10 capsules)

57 g - 2.01 oz

All home capsules will be made with at least 80% recycled aluminum by 2022. More than 2,000 collection points across Austria allow a simple and comfortable recycling of your used coffee capsules.
Find your closest collection point here.


  • Amaretti

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