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World Explorations

World Explorations Assortment (30 Capsules)




Travel the world through coffee – and discover unique and typical tastes brought to you from cities around the world.
This assortment contains:

10 capsules World Explorations Shanghai Lungo
A smooth, fruity blend of Arabicas from four distinct origins to represent the diverse and forward-facing taste of a modern city like Shanghai.

10 capsules World Explorations Paris Espresso
A balanced coffee with light bitterness, cereal biscuity notes, pleasant acidity and a hint of citrus.

10 capsules World Explorations Rio de Janeiro
A pleasantly bitter and velvety-textured cup with unexpected walnut, sandalwood and herbal notes reminiscent of thyme and rosemary.

Ref.-No.: 136582

Product information

30 capsules of ground roasted coffee for the Nespresso system.
Packaged in a protective atmosphere.

Net weight (3 packs of 10 capsules): 172 g
World Explorations Shanghai Lungo: 56 g
World Explorations Paris Espresso: 58 g
World Explorations Rio de Janeiro: 58 g

All prices include VAT and exclude delivery costs