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Taking care
of our backyard

Nespresso is proud to partner with environmental restoration organisation, Greening Australia to help create essential habitat for some of Australia’s iconic and threatened animals and build resilience into landscapes in the face of climate change.

Nespresso x Greening Australia

Over the course of our long-term partnership, Greening Australia will plant 112,000 trees and shrubs with Nespresso in Australia.

Our work began in Victoria’s Gippsland in 2021, where 36,000 trees and shrubs were planted, restoring 12 hectares of Eucalypt overstory in a region where the wetland forest had become fragmented due to changes in land use.

About Greening Australia

The plantings were scientifically designed to connect existing remnant habitat and create safe wildlife corridors for the genetically significant Strzelecki Koala and the nationally threatened Great Glider – with co-benefits for other species native to the area including the Superb Lyrebird. Restoring this habitat also contributes to downstream water quality improvements for the Ramsar-listed Corner Inlet, a local coastal wetland which is a haven for migratory birds in the region.

In 2022, we asked Nespresso customers to decide where our next project would be. Our community voted to further support the work already underway in Gippsland, funding the planting of a further 40,000 trees in 2023.

It is a journey we are excited to continue into 2024. The work builds on years of existing plantings undertaken by Greening Australia in the region, creating safe wildlife corridors between patches of existing remnant habitat in the landscape.