Your Ultimate Double Espresso Guide

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Your Ultimate Double Espresso Guide

6 min read

A barista-made double shot espresso can be a real treat if you love your coffee intense and full-bodied. However, double shot espressos are no longer just for café outings. With the right equipment, recipes and importantly, the right capsule choice, you can enjoy making – and drinking – an exceptional double shot espresso at home using your Nespresso Vertuo machine.

A shot of double shot espresso coffee in a Nespresso cup

What is an espresso?

The espresso originated in Italy and has become one of the world’s most popular drinks. It’s made by expressing – or forcing out – a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. Many coffee drinkers enjoy the fuller tasting espresso and its crema while others use it as the basis for some of Australia’s favourite coffee options, like cappuccinos, lattes, flat whites or long blacks. A typical espresso shot is 40 ml.

What is a double espresso?

A double espresso is two espresso shots – 80 ml compared to an espresso’s 40 ml. It has a stronger aroma and more intense taste, as well as offering a beautiful crema. If you enjoy an intense and robust Italian-style espresso, but are looking for a bit more volume in your cup, then the double espresso or double shot could be the drink for you. This is especially true when it comes to stronger-tasting coffee with milk, making it perfect for cappuccinos, lattes and flat whites.

Do you need a barista to enjoy a double espresso?

No, Nespresso’s Vertuo machines take care of that, meaning you can enjoy a double shot espresso from the comfort of your home. You can even surprise your family and friends with your barista skills and selection of coffee options.

The best coffee machine for a double espresso

Nespresso’s Vertuo machines offer a true Australian inspired café quality coffee experience. It’s considered an essential for serious coffee drinkers. Nespresso’s Vertuo machine can make a double shot espresso from a single capsule and press of a button. Just add milk to a Double Espresso for that true Australian café-strength cappuccino.

Nespresso Vertuo range

Whether it’s our signature double espresso, Double Espresso Chiaro, a light and sweet Espresso Voltesso, or an intense and full-bodied Fortado, the Nespresso Vertuo range has you covered.

Vertuo offers a wide variety of coffee blends available in a range of cup sizes meaning you can select a size and flavour that suits you. Cup sizes include the 40 ml espresso, 80 ml double espresso, 150 ml Gran Lugo, 230 ml mug, 355 ml cold brew (available on some machines) and the 535 ml carafe (also only available on some machines). Best of all, you’ll have a great time exploring an exciting new world of coffee.

Innovative and efficient, Nespresso’s Vertuo machines offer exceptional coffee quality and a generous and smooth crema, taking coffee to the next level.

Best available Nespresso double espresso capsules

Double Espresso Chiaro

Double Espresso Chiaro

Double Espresso Chiaro

A blend of split roasted South and Central American Arabica beans, Double Espresso Chiaro is our signature double espresso capsule, full of woody, earthy and light caramel notes. intensity of 8

Double Espresso Scuro

Double Espresso Scuro

Double Espresso Scuro

Dark and intense, Double Espresso Scuro is a full-bodied smoky blend of Central American Robusta and Arabica beans enriched by notes of cocoa and vanilla. Perfect for a latte or cappuccino.Double Espresso Scuro has an intensity of 11.

Double Espresso Dolce

Double Espresso Dolce

Double Espresso Dolce

Sweet and smooth, with malty and cereal notes, Double Espresso Dolce is a mellow blend of Latin American Arabica and Ugandan Robusta beans that taste exceptional in a milky coffee. Double Espresso Dolce boasts an intensity of 5.

Bianco Doppio

Bianco Doppio

Bianco Doppio

The ideal blend of light-roasted Arabica beans for a long milky coffee, Bianco Doppio promises fruity, biscuity, caramel and cereal notes, and a pleasing, creamy texture.

How to make a double espresso using Nespresso Vertuo machines

Making a double espresso with your Nespresso Vertuo machine is almost as easy as simply pressing a button.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what you need to do to pour the perfect double espresso.

  1. Once the machine is ready and you have placed your cup on the support, select a double espresso Vertuo capsule and place it inside the machine, with the dome facing down.
  2. Press the coffee button on the top of the machine to begin extraction. The machine will read the capsule’s barcode and know to pour a double espresso.
  3. If you’re having your coffee with milk, froth the milk now in your Nespresso Aeroccino3 or Barista Milk Frother.
  4. Once the coffee preparation is finished, if you’re having it with milk, add the frothed milk to your double espresso. If not, enjoy black.

Double espresso cappuccino

  1. Using the coiled cappuccino whisk with your Aeroccino3 milk frother, fill to the lowest line and prepare hot frothed milk. If you're using the Barista Milk Frother, simply select the Cappuccino option.
  2. Extract Double Espresso Dolce into a Gran Lungo cup.
  3. Top the coffee with equal parts hot milk and milk foam, with a dome of froth over the top.
  4. Finish with a dusting of chocolate powder for an extra indulgent morning.

Double espresso latte recipe

  1. Using the latte whisk with your Aeroccino3 milk frother, fill to the highest line and prepare hot frothed milk. If you're using the Barista Milk Frother simply select the Latte Macchiato option.
  2. Extract Double Espresso Dolce into a Gran Lungo cup.
  3. Top the double espresso with hot milk, leaving 1cm in the cup. Fill with milk froth to the top of the glass.

Iced coffee

  1. Add 4–5 ice cubes into a glass.
  2. Add a dash of milk.
  3. Add 10 ml of sugar cane syrup.
  4. Extract 80 ml of Double Espresso Scuro coffee on top.

Double espresso – the perfect cup

Whether you’re pouring a double espresso to have by itself, or using it as the basis for a milkier brew, this is a rich and potent coffee that will get your taste buds dancing.

And by using a Vertuo machine, you no longer need to rely on a barista to pour one for you. You can enjoy that beautifully robust taste at the touch of a few buttons.

The even better news? If you want to know which blend is your favourite, there’s a  full double espresso range to choose from.

Try our double espresso coffees


What else?

Exclusive roast & ground coffee

Discover our wide range of quality coffee exclusive to Nespresso, sealed for freshness.

Capsule recycling

All Nespresso capsules are made from aluminium which is infinitely recyclable.

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