Master Origin Colombia

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Master Origins


A late-harvest Colombian Arabica with red fruit and wine aromas.

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1 sleeve (10 capsules)

Capsule price: $0.99


1 sleeve (10 capsules)

Capsule price: $0.99


Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest uses only high-grown, washed processed Colombian Arabica. Can you taste the lively acidity and the burst of winey red fruit aromas? That comes from those coffee farmers who dared to wait longer before harvesting their crop.

Enjoy as
Espresso (40ml)
Lungo (110ml)
Fruity Winey


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4 of 5


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3 of 5

Colombia Coffee Pods

Reward of time

Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest uses only high-grown, washed processed Colombian Arabica. Can you taste the lively acidity and the burst of winey red fruit aromas? That comes from those coffee farmers who dared to wait longer before harvesting their crop.

Why Our Customers Love Colombia

Our commitments

Capsule recycling

Nespresso’s dedicated capsule recycling program has four ways to get involved.

Find out how to recycle with us.

B Corp™

Nespresso is freshly certified B Corp™ and proud to join the global movement of companies and consumers using business as a force for good™. B Corp sets high standards of verified social and environmental performance to balance purpose and profit.

AAA Program

For almost 20 years we have been helping farmers build sustainable livelihoods through our Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Program™. Today, we work with more than 120 000 farmers in 15 coffee producing countries to make coffee farming more resilient.

Rainforest Alliance

We source more than 80% of our coffee from AAA farms and over 40% of all our coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms.