Master Origin India Coffee Pods

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Master Origins


Featuring monsoon robusta beans from India with spicy notes.

intensity of 11


1 sleeve (10 capsules)

Capsule price: $0.99


1 sleeve (10 capsules)

Capsule price: $0.99


Master Origin India with Robusta Monsoon gets its intense, woody, spicy aromatics from the monsooned Robusta blended into Indian Arabica. Monsooning coffees is unique to India’s southwest coast. Months of monsoonal winds repeatedly swell and dry the beans. It mimics the journey it used to take when sailing to Europe.

Enjoy as
Espresso (40ml)
Lungo (110ml)
Intensely Roasted


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4 of 5

India Coffee Pods


Master Origin India with Robusta Monsoon gets its intense, woody, spicy aromatics from the monsooned Robusta blended into Indian Arabica. Monsooning coffees is unique to India’s southwest coast. Months of monsoonal winds repeatedly swell and dry the beans. It mimics the journey it used to take when sailing to Europe.

This Arabica Robusta blend makes a great coffee with milk. Try it as a Latte Macchiato. You’ll still catch the long-lasting wood and spice aromatics, and its deep intensity.

Why Our Customers Love India

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