Ispirazione Palermo Kazaar Coffee Capsule | Nespresso

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Ispirazione Italiana


Exceptionally Intense & Sirupy Coffee

intensity of 12

13,00 Kč

13,00 Kč

Exceptionally intense and sirupy coffee

The Sicilian city of Palermo is the inspiration behind this powerful blend. Sicily once laid on the path of the ancient coffee trade and this crossroads of African and Arabic influences shaped the dark and Robusta-heavy cup profile, which ultimately became a staple of the region. Ispirazione Italiana Kazaar captures the essence of these influences to bring a very intense, southern dark roast that highlights the wild and spicy character of this blend. This coffee delights with its exceptional intensity, its audacious bitterness, and the peppery notes that leap out through the thick, syrupy body.
Cup size
25 ml
40 ml


5 of 5


1 of 5


5 of 5


4 of 5


This coffee delights with its exceptional intensity, its audacious bitterness, and the peppery notes that leap out through the thick, syrupy body.

Aromatic profile

You’ll taste the audacious bitterness and peppery notes leaping out through the thick syrupy body. Together the Arabica and Robusta balance each other out in this espresso. It reflects both the Palermo coastal lifestyle and its rich history. You can sit back in the sun and enjoy your Kazzar on the terrace, with everything from the food on your plate to the architecture surrounding you whispering the histories of all who’ve passed through Palermo.


We picked four bold coffees to pay homage to this history. Traditionally you’d look only to unwashed Robusta to bring brute strength. And that’s what you’ll find dominating the coffee blends of southern Italy. But our washed Robusta is a rare find that balances out the Kazaar coffee pod with its clean taste and creamy texture. The other coffees are Latin American Arabicas that lend a natural sweetness to Kazaar.


We split roast the coffees to bring out distinct qualities of each coffee in the Kazaar blend. Most of the Arabica and Robusta get an intense roast to develop their bitterness and body. We give the unwashed Robusta a shorter and lighter roast to bring out some of the finer aromatic notes. Kazaar ’s roast style reflects the Arab and African influence you see across southern Italy’s dark and intense coffees.

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