Accessibility of the Nespresso Website

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Nespresso for everyone

Accessibility disclaimer


Nespresso is committed to making accessible to the broadest possible audience, regardless of technology or physical capability. Nespresso makes every effort to ensure the website is accessible to people with special needs, including those with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments.

To this end, we are working constantly to improve the overall usability of the site, using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA success criteria.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the use of this site, please contact us.

Accessibility features on

We have adapted all features on to help you navigate the site. Below is a comprehensive list which we encourage you to read. We have included useful tips to help navigate some of the more complex widgets such as the navigation menu, the products filters and lists, the “Add to Bag” buttons, and sliders.

We have worked with several organizations, including «Access for all» (Swiss foundation for adapting technology to people with disabilities), to test the usability of our site and to enhance and improve the experience for you. has been built to be accessible following the WCAG 2.0 Level AA recommendations and have created a site that works well with JAWS screen reader software using Internet Explorer. We recommend using the latest versions of this software. Please note that an ongoing effort will be made improve support for other screen reader types in the near future.


Known issues

Despite the fact that no effort has been spared in optimising the accessibility of the website, please note that Jaws screen reader can get blocked after prolonged use. If this happens please refresh Jaws (press: “Jaws key” (usually INSERT) + ESC) to resolve the issue.