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The NESPRESSO PROFESSIONAL coffee machine offers a sophisticated design and high performance, while also offering simple operability. It enables customers to offer a high-grade coffee that is tasteful and fragrant in every business scene, including offices, restaurants, cafes and hotels.
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Online exclusive sets contain everything you need to get for small coffee corner. You can purchase ZENIUS, which can extract high-quality coffee and coffee products such as dispensers, that can store capsule coffee in style at special prices.
*When you use AEROCCINO, contained with Cafe Latte set
A basic machine bundle perfect for introducing a coffee corner where you can brew authentic coffee
A special machine bundle with a milk frother to serve milk recipes
Prepare varieties of coffee recipes in your coffee corner. This set enables you to prepare coffee and cafe latte in your business, including milk frother.
A special machine bundle with a milk frother to serve milk recipes
Special online bundles for office use with STARBUCKS® by NESPRESSO coffee. Enrich your office coffee time with a special taste extracted by the high-quality machine ZENIUS.
*When you use AEROCCINO, contained in Cafe Latte set
A special online bundle to enrich office coffee with STARBUCKS® by NESPRESSO
A special online bundle to enjoy STARBUCKS® by NESPRESSO in office, with or without milk
Perfect set to enojy STARBUCKS® BY NESPRESSO and to prepare coffee corner in office which needs milk solution.
A special online bundle to enjoy STARBUCKS® by NESPRESSO in office, with or without milk
A high-performance coffee machine for all business situations. Compact with a width of about 20 cm, it can be used for preparing drinks for small business with coffee extraction or hot water supply.
A professional coffee machine that can extract full-scale coffee in a compact size of approximately W19×D40×H31cm
A modern, smart industrial coffee machines designed for ease of use. Simply tap the guide on the display to extract six different types of black coffee, including iced coffee.
A compact coffee machine with approximately 30 cm width, capable of extracting 6 types of coffee and can be installed anywhere
The two coffee outlets with one touch operation of the display. Also capable of providing self-service coffee with a large number of people
MOMENTO 200 offers a simple solution to create barista-quality coffee drinks, with hot and ice. It also includes two brew heads making it perfect for any business.
The two coffee outlets with one touch operation of the display. Also capable of providing self-service coffee with a large number of people
A business coffee machine to brew coffee with or without milk, hot or ice. 22 different coffee menus can be made easily with touch of display, allowing to respond to variou taste of preferences.
Prepare 22 recipes by simple touch of digital display. Recommended for business situations require variety of menus from hot coffee to ice, with or without milk
A module that can be combined with MOMENTO MILK to add payment functions. Both payment and coffee preparation can be finished with touch of display and good for self-service coffee.
*When combined with MOMENTO MILK
*When combined with MOMENTO MILK
Payment function module to offer paid coffee. Eligible for credit cards, transportation ICs, smartphone payments and also accept employee ID payments
A full-scale espresso machine that can efficiently extract 15 types of high quality coffee recipes. It enables you to offer a wide range of coffee menus, from hot coffee to ice milk recipe, with stable quality even in the business expect large coffee consumption.
*Foam milk and milk recipes only
An espresso machine for business use that can extract coffees with simple operation. Two cups of coffee can be extracted at the same time to meet high-operation business scenes
An espresso machine for business use that can extract coffee with simple operation. With 4 coffee brewers work simultaneously for up to four cups, making it ideal for high-operation business situations
Barista-style milk quality at the touch of a button. Signature in-cup quality for high volume needs.Up to 4 extraction heads work simultaneously.
An espresso machine for business use that can extract coffee with simple operation. With 4 coffee brewers work simultaneously for up to four cups, making it ideal for high-operation business situations
The NESPRESSO PROFESSIONAL industrial coffee machine offers simple operability and high design.
The aluminium capsule extraction method makes it possible to extract coffee with a stable quality and to easily manage inventory, enabling the provision of a higher grade coffee at various business sites.
A special online-limited set with all the products necessary for setting up a cafe corner in the office
A heated milk whisk that makes it easy to make foam milk, whether hot or cold
Coffee with caffeine added is also recommended for energy drink lovers
A coffee machine that allows you to extract a cafe latte just by touching the display
Capsule coffee inspired by the coffee shop experience
Stylish, customisable storage for paper cups and sugar
Online excluvive set for opening cafes and setting up self-drink corners
Organic coffee characterised by a sweet toasted cereal aroma
A paper cup with the NESPRESSO logo that can be used to serve takeout drinks
NESPRESSO's home-use machines are also available in the drink space in the guest room. There is also a lineup of compact models with a width of about 10 cm for home coffee machines. For details, please contact us from the enquiry form.