Lattissima Touch
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Discover the Lattissima Touch
6 one touch
recipes -
Interface -
Alerts -
Clean system
Just when you thought you couldn’t add any more recipes to your personal repertoire…
With Lattissima Touch, they’re essentially all at your fingertips. Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato? Choose between six coffee selections and milk recipes using the tactile control panel.
Lattissima Touch offers endless possibilities in preparations, including those with your own touch. So don’t be surprised if you start collecting friends along with your recipes.
Six one touch recipes
Choose between six coffee selections and milk recipes using the tactile control panel.
1.35 oz of coffeeLUNGO
3.7 oz of coffeeCAPPUCCINO
1.7 oz of milk froth + 1.35 oz of coffeeCREAMY LATTE
1.35 oz of coffee+ 5 oz of milk frothLATTE MACCHIATO
5 oz of milk froth + 1.35 oz of coffeeMILK FOAM
Pure frothy milk
Play with our recipes
After Eight Coffee
The Lattissima Range
the full MACHINE range
Nespresso. What else?
Get the most out of your Nespresso coffee experience knowing we're committed to making a positive impact on the environment and on sourcing the highest quality coffee to create a wide variety of authentic flavours - all at the touch of a button.
Nespresso Services
Free shipping
On all orders of $50 or more of coffee. Guaranteed delivery in 4 business days or less.
Pick up in a boutique today
Order online and collect your order at your favourite Boutique just 2 hours later.
Easy Order
Set up your coffee order to arrive weekly or monthly, whenever is convenient for you.
Our capsules are 100% recyclable. Make sure to add our Recycling Bag to your order.