Barista Ice Cube Tray
220,00 Kč
Love to create
Ice cube tray (for 9 ice cubes)
The BARISTA Ice Cube Tray is sculpted for your kitchen, and for your coffee. Dressed up in stripes, these ice cubes as designed by Frederico Peri and add a touch of modernity to all your coffee creations. Crafted to last longer, the nine ice cubes are 30g each. They’re just the right size for your every recipe, so your drink is always perfectly balanced. It’s iced coffee, craved to your liking.
Dimensions (H x L x W): 2,62 cm x 14,6 cm x 11,9 cm
Material: Silicone
Ice Cube weight: 30 gr., the best grammage to avoid melting too quickly
Capacity: 9 ice cubes to fit both OL and VL recipes
Color: aligned with the Summer 2023 color pallet
Dishwasher safe.
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