Festive Travel Mug
800,00 Kč
Enjoy your Nespresso coffee as you navigate the festive season
From Kuala Lumpur and Paris, to Mexico and New York, the Nespresso Festive Odyssey takes the scenic route. This mythical adventure is beautifully immortalised in the Nespresso Travel Mug, depicted by a sleek, transatlantic map as an everlasting reminder of where Nespresso’s opulent tastes can take you. This Limited Edition Travel Mug is a distinctive way to enjoy your Nespresso coffee as you navigate the festive season. The metallic body of this Travel Mug is made using at least 90% recycled stainless steel. Although the Travel Mug is dishwasher safe, it is recommended to handwash the body to preserve the beauty of its decoration.
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For Nespresso & You Expert and Ambassador members.
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