Cape Town Envivo Lungo Coffee Pods | Robusta | Nespresso™ Country

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World Explorations

Cape Town Lungo OL

Potent & roasted

intensity of 10


1 sleeve (10 capsules)

Capsule price: €0.49

€ 8,90 per 100 gram


This blend brings you Cape Town’s taste in coffee.
Best served as
110 ML


4 of 5


1 of 5


5 of 5

World Explorations Cape Town Lungo

With South Africa as a stopping point on the old trade routes, Asian coffees shaped local taste over time. World Explorations Cape Town Lungo reflects this preference with a blend of Indian Arabica and Robusta. It results in our most intense Lungo – full – bodied and with a punchy bitter note and woodsy aroma.


Cape Town Lungo is a traditional split roast. Both Indian and Mexican Robustas are roasted to a medium degree, but separated by origin for more precise results. The Arabica beans are roasted to a darker degree for extra intensity.

With milk

Find this Lungo coffee too bold? You can always round out your Cape Town Lungo with milk. Try this long coffee as a Latte - it adds an irresistible silky texture and tasty. Sweet salted toffee notes might even hit your senses in this dazzling morning cup.

80% of aluminium in our capsules is recycled aluminium

Aluminium is a perfect barrier to oxygen, light and humidity and to protect the freshness and the aromas of high-quality coffee, over time. Besides that is infinitely recyclable and is one of the most widely recycled materials in the world. The only way to become more circular is to ensure what comes to an end always becomes a new beginning. Our goal is to have our Original and Vertuo capsules made using 80% recycled aluminum by the end of 2021.
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