On this page, you'll find everything you need to get your Nespresso machine working properly again.

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Troubleshooting the machine

On this page, you'll find everything you need to get your Nespresso machine working properly again.​ Go through the steps to fix the problem yourself, or register your machine for repair.​ Can't figure it out? We're here to help.

Solve it yourself

Does your machine no longer work or do you have another problem with your machine?​

Take these three steps first

Although the cause of a problem will vary per machine and situation, there are three steps that solve the problem in 50% of the cases. Therefore, follow these steps first to see if they solve your problem with the machine, before looking up the specific troubleshooting tips for your machine.

Unplug the machine from power for 20 seconds

Unplug the power cord and wait at least 20 seconds before plugging it back in. Turn on the machine and assess whether the problem has been resolved.

Rinse the machine with water a few times

Fill the water tank with cold water and place it on the machine. Make sure the water tank is properly connected to the machine. Switch on the machine and run the machine with water a number of times by closing the machine lever and pressing one of the coffee buttons. (Don’t use a coffee capsule) Assess whether the problem has been resolved.

Reset the machine to factory settings

Please refer to the machine support page to find the instructions for your specific machine.

Machine help page

Have these three steps not solved the problem with your machine yet? Here are the options.

Solve it yourself

Try to get your machine working again using the troubleshooting tips and videos for your machine. Select your machine via the link below.

Machine help page

Solve it yourself with help

Contact us free of charge by phone on 0800 022 23 20 to get help from our coffee specialists.

Options in case of
defective machine

Were you unable to solve the problem yourself? Check out your options here.

Machine Repair

Get your machine repaired free of charge if it is under warranty. You get a 2-year warranty on your machine and even 3 years warranty on machines with built-in milk function. There are costs associated with the repair of out-of-warranty machines. A repair takes 10-15 business days.

Request repair


Take out a coffee subscription and receive up to 50% discount on a new machine and up to 10% discount on coffee.

Discover subscription

New machine with a discount

If your registered machine is older than 2 years and you have made at least 3 coffee orders in the last 12 months, you will receive a 35% discount on a new machine of your choice, with purchase of a minimum number of capsules.

View machines

Request a repair

Our repair service ensures that your machine will do its job properly again. The pick-up and delivery service picks up the machine at your home and ensures that it is repaired and delivered back in 10 to 15 working days. With our loan machines you are able to enjoy delicious coffee during the repair of your machine.

Here's how it works

  • Stap 1: Request a repair
    Register your machine for repair and schedule a pick-up time via the link. Optionally, select a loan machine.
  • Stap 2: Pick up of the machine
    We will pick up your machine at the address you selected.
  • Stap 3: Repair machine
    Your machine will be repaired at the repair center.
  • Stap 4: Return of the machine
    When the repair and maintenance are completed, the repaired machine will be delivered to the time and address selected by you.
  • Visual alternative text

    Learn more about our repairs


    If you experience a malfunction of your machine within the warranty period, the entire repair is free of charge. The cost of transport, repair and parts will not be charged.​ If your machine is no longer covered by the warranty, there are costs associated with the repair. The costs differ per type of machine and are fixed all-in-one rates. No matter what malfunction you are experiencing with your machine, you know where you’re at. No surprises afterwards. Check the repair costs per machine type in the overview below.

    Repair warranty

    You'll get a 6-month warranty on the repair of your machine. This means that if you have a problem with your machine again within 6 months, we will repair it free of charge. Even if the new problem is unrelated to the previous repair. Does the original warranty run beyond these 6 months? Then your original warranty will apply.

    Loan machine

    With our loan machine, you can continue to enjoy your coffee while we repair your machine for you. If you want to use a loan machine, you can indicate this when registering the repair. The loan machine will be handed over to you when you pick up your defective machine. You pay a one-time fee of €15 for the loan machine. Are you an Ambassador or Expert? Then you will receive - as part of our Nespresso & More programme - a free loan machine.

    Repair costs per machine

    • Barista, Citiz, Essenza, Expert, Inissia, Pixie


    • Citiz & Milk, Expert & Milk, Lattissima


    • Lattissima Pro & Creatista


    • Vertuo Pop


    • Vertuo Plus & Next



    Do you have any questions about our machine repair service? Please contact us via the free telephone number 0800 022 23 20.