Decaffeinated coffee: discover the option of capsules | nespresso

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Origem e razões do café descafeinado

O café tem uma merecida reputação de ser um impulsionador do corpo e da energia. Mas o que acontece quando o desejo pelo seu cappuccino favorito bate depois das 17h? As opções: 1) beber sua bebida normal e a cafeína que vem com ela? Ou 2) optar por um café descafeinado. Mas o que é descafeinado? Como é feito? E como você pode aproveitá-lo melhor?

decaffeinated coffee

What is decaf?

Decaf is simply coffee that has had almost all of the caffeine removed from its beans. It is a popular option for anyone who wants to enjoy the great taste of coffee, without the stimulation that comes with caffeine.

What does decaf coffee taste like?

As with all types of coffee, the difference in taste and quality can vary greatly depending on the beans used, the roasting process, the way that the coffee is selected and stored, and in this case, whether a chemical or natural decaffeination process is adopted. Coffee that is sourced appropriately, roasted with care, stored to maintain freshness and that uses a natural approach, will ultimately taste superior to coffee that doesn’t. If you’re on the search for a premium decaf blend, you can rest easy. Nespresso has a delicious range of decaffeinated options.

Nespresso’s Range

You can enjoy a decaffeinated coffee moment with Nespresso's delicious Decaffeinato range. The Decaffeinato range includes Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano Decaffeinato, Volluto Decaffeinato, Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio Decaffeinato and Vivalto Lungo Decaffeinato.

Discover Nespresso Decaffeinato

How is coffee decaffeinated?

Decaffeination involves the removal of most of the caffeine from unroasted coffee beans. There are a couple of different methods of doing this: using either a chemical solvent, or via a more natural water-based process. The chemical approach involves soaking the beans in water and then using a solvent to absorb the caffeine content within the water. The chemicals that are commonly used in this process are methylene chloride and ethyl acetate.

In contrast to this, Nespresso uses a 100% natural process of decaffeination. Nespresso coffees are processed with just water. Water comes into contact with the unroasted coffee beans and then the caffeine is allowed to dissolve gradually and organically. This unique approach eliminates the need for harsh chemicals and removes the caffeine from the beans without altering the final taste of the coffee.

The beautiful thing about coffee is that you can consume it in so many different ways. Be it hot, cold, tall, espresso, regular or decaf, there is a coffee for every occasion. At home, at work, or on the go, Nespresso has the perfect blend for your coffee moments.

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