Vienna Lungo Descaffeinato| Nespresso

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World Explorations

Vienna Lungo Decaffeinato

Round & smooth​

intensity of 6


1 sleeve (10 capsules)

Capsule price: €0.52

€ 9,11 per 100 gram


Round & Smooth​
Best served as
110 ML


2 of 5


2 of 5


2 of 5


3 of 5

World Explorations Vienna Lungo Decaffeinato

Vienna's coffeehouse tradition shaped the city's coffee culture, known for recipes and a smooth taste. World Explorations Vienna Lungo Decaffeinato reimagines this in a balanced long cup that delights with every sip. After decaffeination, we roast sweet Brazilian and Colombian Arabicas to reveal their inviting malty and aromatic notes. Enjoy it like a local: top up your decaf Lungo with hot water or whipped cream and pair it with a slice of cake. ​


After decaffeination, this blend is roasted to a medium degree using a split roast technique, separating the beans by origin to make the most out of their specific profile.​

With milk

As a Latte, Vienna Lungo is sweet, smooth, creamy and glowing with biscuit and caramel notes. ​

The story

The Vienna Lungo Decaffeinato captures the essence of the well-established Vienna Lungo, now as a decaffeinated coffee. Out of home, coffee in Vienna has always been pure class. Their centuries-old coffeehouse was among the world’s earliest and stood out for its elegance. You could recognize this enduring establishment by its lavish décor and suited-up waiters serving coffee and cake to the tune of live classical music. At home, coffee is more familiar. A Kaffeeklatsch sees family and friends gather to chat over coffee, cake, and mountains of whipped cream. Wherever they enjoy their coffee, Austrians love a long cup, balanced in profile, and preferably alongside a slice of cake. Our goal is to have our Original and Vertuo capsules made using 80% recycled aluminum by the end of 2021.
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