Sweet & light
1 sleeve (10 capsules)
Capsule prijs: €0.47
€ 10,44 per 100 gram
Sweet & light
1 sleeve (10 capsules)
Capsule prijs: €0.47
€ 10,44 per 100 gram
2 of 5
3 of 5
2 of 5
We found that the freshly harvested Brazilian Arabicas can be bright and spicy, and these qualities soften over time. Together with the farmers, we developed a process of letting coffee rest, or conditioning. The coffee rests for no less than 4 to 5 months and is only then shipped.
Thanks to the rest, this coffee offers balanced notes of grains, while the Colombian Arabica's bring finesse and fruity notes. The Volluto proves that quality cannot be rushed, or, more simply said, the best things come from patience.
With a splash of milk, the balanced flavors and tartness of the Volluto gently come out. As a cappuccino, this irresistible sweet espresso combines perfectly with milk foam. The same sweet notes of biscuit and the hint of sourness combine revealing notes of caramel in the creamy foam of a latte macchiato.
Coffees with a comparable flavor