Firenze Arpeggio Decaffeinato Coffee Capsule
Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio Decaffeinato is as dense and creamy as the no decaffeinated version. Decaffeination doesn’t diminish the bold roasty and cocoa notes. The crema gives it a creamy, velvety texture that is irresistible.
A dark and deep roast of the Brazil and Costa Rica really pushes the intensity of those cocoa notes. We gave the fruitier coffees a lighter roast for balance in this decaf coffee pod. It's an homage to the complexity of Florence’s roast style. It gives this espresso dolce its gravitas and its class.
Ispirazione Firenze Arpeggio Decaffeinato is a blend of decaffeinated Latin American Arabicas centered around an inherently malty Costa Rican coffee. All the other coffees used are also decaffeinated Arabica, and that unified taste is as magnetic as Florence during the Renaissance.
25 ml
40 ml
4 of 5
Intense and creamy - Intensely roasted cocoa notes
This exquisite blend is a true reflection of Florence’s cultural significance: an intellectual hub in the heart of Italy, drawing influences from all the country. Arpeggio Decaffeinato 's roasting style brings these influences together by combining fruity notes traditionally found in the North of Italy with cocoa notes from the South, culminating in a velvety, dense and creamy cup. This creation is shared with lovers of pure flavour, even where they prefer a decaffeinated version.